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Instead Of Another Ignored Report

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  • Instead Of Another Ignored Report

    By Akiva Eldar

    June 7 2010

    It would be best to make the flotilla saga a turning point in Israel's
    policy governing the Gaza blockade and the continued occupation of
    the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

    In the same week the diplomatic tsunami caused by the fatal raid of
    the Mavi Marmara left those trying to steer Israel's ship of state
    high and dry, two leaders of other countries, one in the Far East
    and one in the West, both resigned their posts.

    In Germany, Horst Koehler stepped down as president, penalizing himself
    for saying that German military deployments abroad serve the country's
    economic interests. And Yukio Hatoyama resigned as prime minister of
    Japan after breaking a promise to move an American military base off
    the island of Okinawa.

    In Israel, meanwhile, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense
    Minister Ehud Barak are evading responsibility for the disastrous
    thinking that led to the flotilla raid, and using their purported
    faith in the commandos who carried it out as a way of keeping that
    disastrous thinking under wraps.

    Netanyahu and Barak are right: There is no need for an inquiry. It's
    clear that their risk-reward assessment was faulty, since Netanyahu
    was getting ready to head to the White House as the commandos were
    firing on the passengers of the aid ship.

    No political or military official who was involved in the decision
    to mount a forcible takeover of the ships says that any option was
    considered other than the vessels either being captured or reaching
    the Gaza port.

    Two dozen cabinet members - who are collectively responsible for the
    crisis - say they first heard about the incident on the radio.

    Not only is it unnecessary to appoint an inquiry committee to examine
    the problematic takeover of the Mavi Marmara, but doing so is likely
    to detract attention from the far-reaching strategic ramifications
    of the Gaza blockade and its implementation.

    Syrian President Bashar Assad wasn't exaggerating when he described
    the flotilla as a turning point in the Arab-Israeli conflict, by which
    he presumably meant that the incident dragged the Israeli government
    into the losing sphere of ethics and human rights.

    In this assymetric struggle between the occupier and the occupied,
    military supremacy not only fails to ensure victory, but easily
    becomes a hindrance.

    In the absence of a genuine peace process, the flotilla saga caused
    the moderate Arab center, led by Egypt and Saudi Arabia, to lose what
    momentum it had. Now the momentum is with the radical Islamists on
    the fringes, led by Iran.

    There's no need to bother a retired judge just so he can rule that
    the decision-makers should have been aware of the race for Middle
    East supremacy.

    And there's nothing that any expert in maritime law has to say
    that will prevent the Arab-speaking public from pressuring Egyptian
    President Hosni Mubarak to open the Rafah crossing.

    We don't need an inquiry committee to know that the blockade keeping
    cilantro and cement out of Gaza has turned Tehran's deniers of the
    Jewish genocide and Ankara's deniers of the Armenian genocide into
    standard-bearers for assistance to the unfortunate children of Gaza.

    At the same time, Hamas is laughing all the way from the smuggling
    tunnels to the bank. The blockade has transformed Hamas, which the
    United States and Europe classify as a terror organization, into a
    victim of Israeli aggression.

    You don't have to be an expert on the Middle East to realize that
    every day in which Israel drags its feet on peace talks with the
    Palestinians bolsters Hamas' position in Gaza. All you had to do was
    see Iran's ally to Israel's north licking its lips in pleasure in
    order to realize the price of the standstill on the Syrian track.

    Even the best of Israel's friends in the world have a hard time
    understanding the Netanyahu-Barak government, not to mention justifying
    its actions. Anthony Cordesman, a military expert at the Center for
    Strategic and International Studies, a foreign policy think tank in
    Washington, wrote in an article last week that "the depth of America's
    moral commitment does not justify or excuse actions by an Israeli
    government that unnecessarily make Israel a strategic liability when
    it should remain an asset."

    Cordesman, who previously served as director of intelligence assessment
    in the Pentagon, also said America's commitment to Israel "does
    not mean that the United States should extend support to an Israeli
    government when that government fails to credibly pursue peace with
    its neighbors."

    Instead of just shoving one more report in the drawer, it would be
    best to make the flotilla saga a turning point in Israel's policy
    governing the Gaza blockade and the continued occupation of the West
    Bank and East Jerusalem.

    Floating along in the direction we've been going will just get us
    into hot water.

    From: A. Papazian