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ANKARA: Death Threat for Journalist Pekgoz

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  • ANKARA: Death Threat for Journalist Pekgoz


    BIA Net ssion/120353-death-threat-for-journalist-pekgoz
    Ma rch 2 2010

    News chief of Gunluk newspaper Ramazan Pekgoz was threatened by a
    person on the street who said, "We finished Hrant Dink off. We will
    do the same to you". After Pekgoz complained at the police station
    in Taksim/Istanbul, the person who threatened him was arrested.

    Journalist Ramazan Pekgoz, news chief of the Turkish Gunluk newspaper,
    received a death threat while he was walking to his office in the
    morning of 28 February.

    A person with the initials A.S. had followed Pekgoz on the side
    walk before he stopped him and said, "We finished Hrant Dink off. We
    will do the same to you". Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink was
    assassinated in front of his workplace Agos newspaper in January 2007.

    Pekgoz complained about the person who threatened him at the
    Taksim Police Station in central Istanbul. The suspect was arrested

    'We will kill you like Hrant Dink'

    Journalist Pekgoz said that this person had followed him starting
    from Galatasaray High School close to the southern end of the popular
    Istiklal Avenue in Taksim (Istanbul). Apparently, the suspect was
    cursing on the way. Pekgoz said that he asked the suspect why he was
    following him once he got close to him and he replied, "This is a
    street, I am just walking".

    The person known as A.S. followed the journalist for another while
    and then approached him directly by threatening Pekgoz: "We finished
    Hrant Dink off. We will do the same to you". Pekgoz instantly went
    to the close-by Taksim Police Station and complained about the person.

    Police officers of the Anti-Terror Branch, the Security Branch and
    the Intelligence Branch started an investigation into the matter
    upon Pekgoz's complaint. It turned out that suspect A.S. has got
    a criminal record for theft. He was apparently born in Canakkale
    (south of the Dardanelles) in 1977.