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BAKU: US Congressmen Concerned Over Discussion Of "Armenian Genocide

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  • BAKU: US Congressmen Concerned Over Discussion Of "Armenian Genocide

    March 2 2010

    Bill Shuster Congressmen Solomon Ortiz and Bill Shuster adopted an
    appeal to the Committee on Armed Forces of the US Congress.

    Congressmen Solomon Ortiz and Bill Shuster adopted an appeal to the
    Committee on Armed Forces of the US Congress, which expressed strong
    concern in connection with the resolution on "genocide" of Armenians.

    According to the USAN statement, the discussions of the resolution in
    the House of Representatives is a destabilizing factor for American
    interests. This is a blow to the stability and American interests,
    especially in a period when the coalition troops would be redeployed
    from Iraq to Afghanistan.

    "Like in the case with previous resolutions of this kind, the Turkish
    government has declared its opposition to such discussions in the
    US Congress. As before, we remain deeply concerned that the Congress
    damages the relations and creates unnecessary complications for our
    interests in the Middle East and Asia by way of attempts to recognize
    the resolution on 'genocide'. Turkey is still a valuable NATO ally
    and an important strategic partner.

    According to US Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Turkey currently has
    a group of 1700 troops in Afghanistan, two provincial reconstruction
    teams, and several operational mentoring and advisory groups in
    Afghanistan. In addition, Turkey has been leading a coalition group
    of forces since November 2009 and implements regional command to
    ensure international security. "Our presence in the Turkish Incirlik
    airbase has additional significance for the US-led coalition forces
    and increases the pressure on the insurgents in Afghanistan," the
    message says.

    "The relocation of tens of thousands of American troops is also
    prepared in Iraq, where Turkey plays a key role in both air and ground
    operations, transportation and logistical support to Operation Iraqi

    Turkey plays such an important role in our efforts in the Middle East,
    the Caucasus and Central Asia, that we do not see any benefit in such
    a deliberate alienation of our close ally. Considering the importance
    of our bilateral relations, and the fact that Turkey and Armenia have
    been involved in the process of normalization of bilateral relations,
    we ask that no other unwanted actions are taken on the level of the
    committees of the US Congress. We can not afford to take risks to
    American national security by the discussion of such resolutions",
    the US congressmen note