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Congress Should Do Its Job, Not Write History

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  • Congress Should Do Its Job, Not Write History


    Muncie Star Press /OPINION/3020346
    March 2 2010

    The United States is currently confronted with a daunting number of
    challenges in our nation's foreign relations. America is managing wars
    in Iraq and Afghanistan and trying to find ways to bring our troops
    back safely and without compromising our national security. We are
    working to maintain a nuclear-free Iran, secure our energy sources
    and prevent the growth and spread of international terrorist networks.

    In all these and many other areas affecting Americans and millions of
    others around the world, we have an ally in Turkey. Our trade with
    Turkey topped $10 billion in 2009, leaving the United States with a
    $3.5 billion trade surplus, supporting thousands of valuable jobs in
    critical industries.

    In a bizarre move during such turbulent times, members of the House
    Foreign Affairs Committee, including Rep. Mike Pence, are preparing
    to vote on March 4 on House Resolution 252, which will recognize as
    "genocide" tragic events that took place nearly 100 years ago in
    the now defunct Ottoman Empire, despite many holes in the historical

    This begs the question: why is the committee, at a time when we are
    dealing with pressing international and domestic issues, all of which
    require Turkey's support and active participation, squandering its
    time on an issue that has no relevance to America's foreign relations
    and interests?

    The answer is simple: Lobbying.

    Despite much bravado about limiting the influence of special interests,
    money and manpower still control Washington's agenda. In the United
    States there are nearly one million Armenian Americans, concentrated
    in a number of congressional districts, who support a lobby that
    spends an estimated $40 million annually on furthering its agenda,
    which revolves around recognition of an "Armenian Genocide."

    Their efforts have also made Armenia, a small landlocked region,
    the second largest per-capita recipient of U.S. foreign aid.

    Proponents of the Resolution frequently admonish its opponents by
    pointing to a moral obligation of Congress to pronounce that the
    now-defunct Ottoman Empire, committed "genocide" against Armenians. In
    doing so, they choose to ignore the many well-regarded historians
    who dispute this claim. Still, Armenian resolutions persist due to
    the efforts of a well organized Armenian lobby that has turned hating
    Turkey into an existential cause.

    To roaring cheers at a 2005 Armenian rally in New York, Rep. Frank
    Pallone of New Jersey, Co-Chairman of the Congressional Armenian
    Caucus, proclaimed, "The Turkish envoy said that not only did the
    genocide never occur, but he suggested that the reason why Armenians
    want to recognize the Armenian Genocide today -- want the Congress
    and the other countries to be on record -- is because they wanted
    restitution and they wanted reparations. And I say to that 'Yes,
    we do!' It is important not only to recognize the genocide but we
    have to make it clear that those who committed it pay restitution
    ... There must be recognition, there must be restitution, there must
    be reparations for the Armenian Genocide."

    The resolution comes up for a vote at a particularly strange time.

    Armenia and Turkey are trying to work through a diplomatic process,
    with the support of the United States, which lays out a roadmap
    to normalizing relations. This effort includes the establishment
    of a joint historical commission of scholars and experts. Turkey's
    leadership time and again has stated that it will accept the findings
    of such a commission. It is telling that the Armenian lobby and its
    supporters in Congress not only oppose the normalization process,
    but, with even greater zeal, the establishment of this commission.

    This issue, ultimately, should not be on the docket of the House
    Foreign Affairs Committee. Congress is neither the "conscience" of
    the world, nor its revisionist historian. It's time to put an end to
    a dangerous game, but it will only end when Americans pay attention
    and raise their voice and tell Rep. Pence to oppose this resolution
    on March 4, and every time it comes up in the future.

    Lincoln McCurdy is president of the Turkish Coalition of America and
    a former U.S. diplomat. Learn more about TCA at