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'Instruction' Of Law Enforcers

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  • 'Instruction' Of Law Enforcers

    11:54:48 - 02/03/2010

    On these days, the replacement of leaders of a number of Armenian
    Law Enforcement Bodies such as the Police, Prosecutor's office and
    the National Security Service is much spoken about. Alongside with
    these talks, a number of events took place such as Saribek Sukiasyan's
    arrest, the violence of the Police against the HAK young activists,
    assault against the photojournalist Gagik Shamshyan in front the
    prosecutor's office etc. The Human Rights Defender Armen Harutyunyan
    issued rough statements in connection with the activities of the Law
    Enforcement Bodies, especially the Police and the judicial system.

    Besides, "compliments" were exchanged by the Police and the
    Prosecutor's office. Let us not forget the warning about a bomb placed
    in the Office of the State Revenue Committee. All this happened
    against the background of the fact that in the European field, the
    March 1-2 events became again actual.

    All this confusion can be also assessed as normal because in normal
    countries there are counterbalances and mechanisms of public control.

    A similar situation, with big reservations, was formed during Levon
    Ter-Petrosyan's tenure. Anyway, then, there was some mechanism of
    counterbalance between the Police, the Prosecutor's office and the
    National Security in which the army was sometimes involved. After,
    during Robert Kocharyan's tenure, the law enforcers were allocated a
    clear function: they were to defend the newly-formed system of quotas,
    influence zones and law of shadow budget from the society. The task of
    the law enforcers was to secure the uninterrupted work of the system.

    During Serge Sargsyan's tenure, the law enforcement system is apparent
    to be "splitting". The point is that neither the former system nor
    the legal mechanism of the government can be a basis for him. Hence,
    the law enforcement system does not have a new instruction to work
    and appeared in an evident confusion: the former methods of their
    activities do not suit the current situation, and acting within the
    frameworks of the law is not recommended.

    Of course, we can think that by changing the heads of the law
    enforcement system, in the end, constitutional mechanisms can be
    introduced into the system. But the reality is different. The essence
    of the Armenian government excludes such a possibility. The power
    is able to survive only thanks to illegal mechanisms because it does
    not have the support of the public, because it is not formed through
    constitutional mechanisms. The result may be that if before, this
    system had the role of defending the life of the criminal-oligarchic
    state, now its role will be diminished and it will defend the interests
    of a small group of people from the others who do not have access
    to it.
    From: Baghdasarian