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ArmInfo News Agency Restores Justice In Chatham House's Decision On

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  • ArmInfo News Agency Restores Justice In Chatham House's Decision On


    2010-03-02 19:51:00

    ArmInfo. As a result of ArmInfo news agency's claims, the Chatham
    House, formally known as the Royal Institute of International Affairs,
    has changed its formulation concerning Abdullah Gul's services
    regarding the Armenian-Turkish process.

    To note, Chatham House has declared Turkish President Abdullah Gul a
    Chatham House Prize 2010 Nominee saying that Andullah Gul "has played
    a leading role in accelerating the unprecedented reconciliation process
    between Turkey and Armenia, including through his 'football diplomacy'.

    Nicola Norton, Chatham House representative, told ArmInfo correspondent
    that the Board of the Institute considered and approved the request
    of the ArmInfo news agency, which pointed out that the initiation of
    Armenian-Turkish reconciliation belongs not to the Turkish president,
    but to the Armenian president. Consequently, ArmInfo also pointed out
    that the "football diplomacy" could not be considered "his", i.e. of
    President Gul the way it was mentioned in the initial formulation.

    Thus, the formulation is replaced by the following one: "President
    Gul has played a leading role, along with his Armenian counterpart, in
    accelerating the unprecedented search for reconciliation between Turkey
    and Armenia, including through the so-called 'football diplomacy'.

    Nicola Norton added that the Board of the Institute did not comment
    on the reason for which Gul was nominated for the Chatham House Prize
    2010 saying that the Turkish president's role in the Armenian-Turkish
    process is only one of other services on the list.

    To recall, the official website of Chatham House, Abdullah Gul has
    been a significant figure for reconciliation and moderation within
    Turkey and internationally, and a driving force behind many of the
    positive steps that Turkey has taken in recent years. Mr Gul has worked
    to deepen Turkey's traditional ties with the Middle East, mediate
    between the fractious groups in Iraq and bring together the Afghan
    and Pakistani leaderships to try to resolve disputes during 2009". It
    is also pointed out that Gul made significant efforts to reunify the
    divided island of Cyprus. "President Gul is an unwavering proponent
    of anchoring Turkey in the European Union. Under his leadership,
    Turkey has consolidated civilian democratic rule andpursued extensive
    political and legal reforms to bring the country closer to European
    standards of democracy and human rights", says the website.

    To note, contending for the Prize are also French Finance Minister
    Christine Lagarde and Croatian President Stjepan Mesic. The voting
    for the nominees started on March 2 and will last till March 15.