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BAKU: Turkish MP: It Is Impossible To Open Armenia-Turkey Border In

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  • BAKU: Turkish MP: It Is Impossible To Open Armenia-Turkey Border In


    Today /62948.html
    March 2 2010

    Day.Az interview with Oktay Vural, Deputy Chairman of Turkey's
    Nationalist Movement Party, member of the Grand National Assembly of
    Turkey (parliament).

    In your opinion, why did Armenia bring up the Turkey-Armenia accords
    for parliamentary discussions, but later refused to ratify them?

    I think the sides had no any preconditions before the protocols were
    signed, for example, on amendments by the Armenian Constitutional
    Court. It should be noted that if it had not been for dynamic steps
    and reaction of Azerbaijan, the parliamentary majority in Turkey
    would long have debated the protocols in the Parliament ...

    Armenia wanted Turkey to ratify the protocols first. Seeing that
    things are not moving, Armenia resorted to pressure. It forwarded
    the protocols to the Parliament to get more international support
    and increase pressure on Turkey and to show the U.S. and others that
    allegedly they do everything and now it is Turkey's turn to take
    action in this regard.

    When it was stated that the protocols would not be ratified until the
    Karabakh conflict is resolved, Armenia refused to ratify them. I think
    that Armenia will not fulfill Turkey's requirements on the Karabakh
    issue and will not change the Constitutional Court decision. So, Turkey
    has every right to refuse to ratify the Armenian-Turkish protocols.

    We have always stated that Turkey should not have signed the protocols
    until the Karabakh problem is solved. But our views and as well as
    the Turkish public opinion were ignored. In my opinion, the government
    has finally realized its mistake in this matter.

    I think that it is necessary to abandon the process and start it
    again. But this time, the protocols should reflect such conditions as
    the Karabakh conflict, Armenia's rejection of the so-called "Armenian
    genocide" claims and excluding items on Armenia's territorial claims
    against Turkey from the Armenian Constitution.

    The Armenian side has stated that Karabakh issue was not set as a
    condition when the protocols were signed...

    At the beginning of a dialogue with Armenia, we warned that Turkey
    cannot establish ties with Armenia until Azerbaijan's territorial
    integrity is restored, Armenia officially recognizes Turkey's borders
    and renounces "Armenian genocide" claims. At the initial stage of the
    dialogue, we said that these conditions must be taken into account
    once an official document will be signed.

    How do you see end of this process?

    It is impossible to open the Armenian-Turkish border under current
    circumstances. Members of our parliamentary group visited the border
    with Armenia and clarified our position for the public. We explained
    that trade relations and incomes are not superior to honor and dignity
    of the Turkey and Turkish nation. A neighbor who is at war with our
    brother, who has occupied the land and committed massacre against
    Turks, cannot sit at the same table with us without understanding
    and correcting its mistakes. Let the Armenian side accept our demands
    without conditions. Then we will take a response step.

    In your opinion, will Barack Obama use the word "genocide" after all
    these processes in his speech he will deliver on April 24?

    During last year's speech Barack Obama did not utter the word
    "genocide" and attributed it to negotiations held to normalize
    elations between Armenia and Turkey. In fact, Turkey wanted to use
    the protocols as a trump card against the "Armenian genocide". Since
    no change is expected to take place regarding the protocols until
    April 24, I think that this year the pressure on Turkey will be even
    stronger. But if the United States recognizes the "genocide", the
    relations between Turkey and U.S. will be spoiled to a great extent.

    The U.S. President cannot simply call my nation "murderer".

    According to Turkish media, PM Erdogan will trip to the United States
    in early April. In your opinion, what is the reason behind this visit?

    Of course, the Armenian-Turkish relations, "Armenian genocide",
    the Karabakh and other regional issues will top agenda of the meeting.

    Certainly, Erdogan will say the fact that the Turkish parliament has
    not debated the Turkey-Armenia accords is due to the parliament's
    unreadiness to do so. He will say that the executive branch has done
    what it could, and it has no leverage to influence the parliament,
    but eventually this process will move forward and Turkey will try to
    fulfill its obligations. So, the Prime Minister will try to gain time.

    He is expected to be accompanied by a MP group during the U.S. trip.

    We will try to meet every American parliamentarian and explain
    the essence of the "Armenian genocide". We will make it clear for
    them that recognition of 'Armenian genocide' may mark end of the
    relationship between the U.S. and Turkey. Also, we will promise them
    to do our utmost to address the problems relates to Armenia. We will
    also explain that the Turkish nation has a strong pressure on the
    parliament in this regard. It is also clear that the U.S. will try
    not to deviate from its position.

    18 years have passed since the Khojaly genocide was committed. What
    steps does the Turkish parliament take to recognize it?

    We have urged to recognize the crimes committed against humanity in
    Khojaly as genocide in the Turkish Parliament for many years. We have
    submitted the related bill for the consideration to the parliamentary
    commission. Armenians have to answer for atrocities committed in
    Khojaly. We use resources of our party and NGOs in this regard.