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JINSA: The 'Armenian Resolution' Should Be Opposed And Defeated

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  • JINSA: The 'Armenian Resolution' Should Be Opposed And Defeated


    JINSA Report e-%e2%80%98armenian-resolution%e2%80%99-should-be- opposed-and-defeated/
    March 1, 2010

    Below is a report issued on March 1 by the Jewish Institute for
    National Security Affairs (JINSA). The text speaks for itself.

    Like swallows returning to Capistrano, Congress's annual determination
    to debate the history of the Ottoman Empire is a sign of spring. The
    Turkish government's approach to the American Jewish community to
    help sink the proposed congressional resolution officially recognizing
    the horrific killing of Armenians by Ottoman Turks in the early 20th
    century as genocide is a similar ritual. Unlike the swallows, however,
    both Congress and the Turks are out of their habitat.

    During the flowering of Turkish-Israeli political and security
    relations, it was easy for representatives of the "organized" Jewish
    community to speak on behalf of its Turkish friends and against the
    resolution. As the Turkish government began to slide-and then rush-away
    from its relationship with Israel and slide-and then rush-toward new
    accommodations with Syria and Iran, the Jewish community has become
    less inclined to use its organizational skill on behalf of the agenda
    of a country that is less inclined toward the Western side of the
    great divide. It doesn't help that the Turkish "request" for "help"
    has begun to sound more like a threat of damage yet to come.

    It is tempting under the circumstances for the Jewish community to
    "lie low," not support the resolution but not actively oppose it
    either. It is probably equally tempting for the Turkish government to
    start looking for someone to blame if the resolution passes-guess who?

    To the extent that either side believed opposition to the resolution
    was a test of loyalty, or tied it to extraneous issues, they made
    a mistake. The Armenian resolution-driven largely by the Armenian
    American community-should be opposed and defeated. But the reasons
    stand without regard to the (increasingly difficult) behavior of the
    Turkish government and without regard to (increasingly difficult)
    Turkish-Israeli or Turkish-American relations.

    ~U The Congress of the United States is not the place to debate the
    history of other people in other times. It would be unacceptable for
    Brazil to pass a resolution condemning 19th century American slavery,
    or Latvia to pass one on the War of 1812. The failings of our history
    and the resolution of our wars are our responsibility-and those of the
    Ottoman Turks have to find redress by their heirs. Particularly now.

    ~U The Ottoman and Soviet Empires are gone; Turkey and Armenia
    are independent countries. Their governments have to find
    whatever understanding and accommodation are possible. Meddling
    by Congress-particularly when Turkey has fallen out of political
    favor-won't help.

    Turkey and Armenia have, in fact, made tentative-and reversible-steps
    toward bilateral relations, but the protocols they signed last
    autumn show signs of fraying and neither parliament has completed the
    ratification process. Switzerland was the mediator for the protocols,
    and perhaps could be of assistance. The U.S. government might also have
    a role to play, but passage of the Armenian resolution by Congress
    would make it impossible for the State Department to offer help. We
    recall that after Turkey invited Hamas to Ankara, its offer to mediate
    between Israel and its neighbors was no longer welcome in Jerusalem.

    It's another good reason to oppose the Armenian resolution when it
    comes before Congress later this week.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress