Noyan Tapan
March 3, 2010
YEREVAN, MARCH 3, NOYAN TAPAN. Revenues of the RA state budget
amounted to 51.1 billion drams (about 5 million 185.8 thousand),
while expenditures made 38.6 billion drams in January 2010, as a
result of which the first quarter program approved by the government
was executed by 34.6% and 21.4% respectively. The annual programmed
indices of the state budget were executed by 7.2% (revenues) and 4.6%
The RA Ministry of Finance reported that state budget revenues grew by
22.3% or 9.3 billion drams as compared with January 2009. Taxes and
duties grew by 14.6% (5.1 billion drams), complusory social payments
by 41.7% (2 billion drams), and other revenues grew 2.1-fold or by
2.2 billion drams.
Taxes and duties made 78.6%, compulsory social security payments
- 13.3%, and other revenues - 8.1% of the revenues of the state
budget of Armenia. Under Article 9 Point 11 of the RA Law on the 2010
State Budget of the Republic of Armenia, financial resources of state
institutions' off-budget funds, whose revenues amounted to 1.3 billion
drams in the reporting period, were also included in the state budget.
Noyan Tapan
March 3, 2010
YEREVAN, MARCH 3, NOYAN TAPAN. Revenues of the RA state budget
amounted to 51.1 billion drams (about 5 million 185.8 thousand),
while expenditures made 38.6 billion drams in January 2010, as a
result of which the first quarter program approved by the government
was executed by 34.6% and 21.4% respectively. The annual programmed
indices of the state budget were executed by 7.2% (revenues) and 4.6%
The RA Ministry of Finance reported that state budget revenues grew by
22.3% or 9.3 billion drams as compared with January 2009. Taxes and
duties grew by 14.6% (5.1 billion drams), complusory social payments
by 41.7% (2 billion drams), and other revenues grew 2.1-fold or by
2.2 billion drams.
Taxes and duties made 78.6%, compulsory social security payments
- 13.3%, and other revenues - 8.1% of the revenues of the state
budget of Armenia. Under Article 9 Point 11 of the RA Law on the 2010
State Budget of the Republic of Armenia, financial resources of state
institutions' off-budget funds, whose revenues amounted to 1.3 billion
drams in the reporting period, were also included in the state budget.