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BAKU: Azerbaijani MP: Policy Of Armenia's Military Junta Leads Count

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijani MP: Policy Of Armenia's Military Junta Leads Count

    Z. Ahmadov

    Today 3017.html
    March 3 2010

    Azerbaijani MP says status quo on the Karabakh issue does not satisfy
    Azerbaijan and it is high time to change it. The MP was commenting on
    Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev's speech he delivered at a meeting
    with IDPs in country's Gabala region.

    "The president of our country Ilham Aliyev is the only person in
    Azerbaijan directly involved in negotiations with Armenia over the
    Karabakh issue. Therefore, the public, media and others constantly
    keep track of his speeches to catch any details concerning the
    negotiations with Armenia because he knows the course of a dialogue
    with Armenia better than anyone. All other opinions on the matter
    are merely comments," the MP said.

    As the president said, it is time to change the current status quo and
    everyone should already understand this. Internally displaced people
    from Armenia and the Armenia-occupied territories of Azerbaijan
    are severe social and economic burden for Azerbaijan. It is high
    time for them to return to their native lands. In this regard,
    the question of liberation of the seven occupied areas (around the
    former Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region) is on the agenda, and
    has strategic importance for us. Therefore, Azerbaijan's position on
    these territories have become stronger," he said.

    "In my opinion, the President's speech was also directed against the
    fake and far-fetched Armenian history. Compared with 1988, Armenian
    nationalists have stepped up claims to Azerbaijan. Authorities in
    Armenia are trying to present themselves as a victor of the war
    over Karabakh. First, they must know that the war is not over. Only
    the first stage of confrontation is over. Secondly, no Armenian
    inhabitant has enjoyed benefits of "victory" over Azerbaijan in
    country's socio-economic and their daily life so far."

    "If the Karabakh Armenians lived within Azerbaijan, they could enjoy
    the rights of autonomy that exists, for example, in Nakhchivan,
    and would enjoy much better socio-economic condition. It should be
    noted that the budget of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic totals
    450 million dollars, which is almost comparable to Armenia's income,"
    the MP added.

    "Taking into account that international law and justice are on our
    side, Azerbaijan reserves the right to act till the end to recover its
    occupied territories. Of course, we want to do this through peaceful
    negotiations. But, as stated by President Ilham Aliyev on numerous
    occasions, Azerbaijan will not accept loss of its territories, and
    we are ready to resume the war to liberate our land at any moment."

    "At the same time, Azerbaijan purchases modern weapons and equipment
    and applies new standards in its army. All this makes Armenia to arm
    and start some kind of arms race with Azerbaijan. But the policy of a
    military junta in Armenia leads the country to a fiasco. The reason
    is quite simple. Armenia has much less internal resources drawn
    from the national budget compared with Azerbaijan. Of course, they
    try not to lag behind us allocating more resources to the army. This
    exhausts their budget more and more each year leading the country to
    a standstill," the Azerbaijani MP noted.