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White House Rebuffed In Effort To Kill Vote On House Bill Recognizin

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  • White House Rebuffed In Effort To Kill Vote On House Bill Recognizin


    ABC News 03/white-house-rebuffed-in-effort-to-kill-vote-on- house-bill-recognizing-armenian-genocide-by-turks. html
    March 4 2010

    The Obama administration asked the chairman of the House Foreign
    Affairs Committee to cancel a vote scheduled for today on a bill
    recognizing the Armenian genocide. The chairman of the committee, Rep.

    Howard Berman, D-Calif., is going forward with the bill "mark up"
    and vote regardless.

    The bill, H. Res. 252, recognizes as genocide the "systematic and
    deliberate annihilation of 1,500,000 Armenians" as ordered by the
    Turkish government from 1915 to 1923. It's the kind of statement
    then-Sen. Obama supported; as a candidate for president, he said,
    "America deserves a leader who speaks truthfully about the Armenian
    Genocide and responds forcefully to all genocides. I intend to be
    that President."

    Turkish government officials, who are important U.S. allies, have
    long objected to the description of those events as genocide.

    After speaking to Turkish President Abdullah Gul on Wednesday, the
    president had Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reach out to Berman.

    "Secretary Clinton called Chairman Berman yesterday and in that
    conversation the Secretary indicated that further Congressional action
    could impede progress on normalization of relations," said National
    Security Staff spokesman Mike Hammer.

    The conversation took place after the president spoke with President
    Gul and "expressed appreciation" for his and Turkish Prime Minister
    Recep Tayyip Erdogan's "efforts on normalization of relations between
    Turkey and Armenia."

    The president also "pressed for rapid ratification of the protocols,"
    Hammer said, referring to efforts at normalization between Armenia
    and Turkey.

    Describing himself as "very upset," Aram Hamparian, executive director
    of the Armenian National Committee of America, told ABC News that
    this move" represents an insult on top of injury.

    The injury was the broken pledge by the president to recognize the
    genocide, and he's taken that a step further by trying to block the
    Congress from doing the very thing that he pledged to do which was
    recognize the genocide."

    As senators, President Obama, Secretary Clinton, and Vice President
    Biden had all been "very outspoken" in favor of identical legislation.

    "Turkey does not get a vote or a veto in the US Congress," Hamparian
    said. "The secretary shouldn't be in the business of helping Turkey
    impose its gag rule on the representatives of the American people."

    During his trip to Turkey last April, the president disappointed
    Hamparian and other members of the Armenian-American community who
    supported his campaign by refraining from using the bold talk he made
    as a candidate about the genocide.

    Standing with President Gul, the president was asked about his position
    that the Turks need to acknowledge the up to 1.5 million Armenians
    the Ottoman Empire slaughtered around the time of World War I.

    "My views are on the record and I have not changed views," Mr. Obama
    said. "What I have been very encouraged by is news that under President
    Gul 's leadership, you are seeing a series of negotiations, a process,
    in place between Armenia and Turkey to resolve a whole host of
    longstanding issues, including this one."

    At the time, Hamparian told ABC News, "We're profoundly disappointed.

    All the more so because his statements on this in his record before
    he became president nailed it in terms the facts, the practical side
    and the moral dimension. He repeatedly talked about this during the
    campaign, and he was really harsh on President Bush, he said it was
    inexcusable that Bush refused to acknowledge that this was genocide."

    The president "finds himself doing exactly the thing he so sharply
    criticized the Bush administration for, which is being euphemistic
    and evasive. It's a bitter thing for Armenian-Americans who really
    believed him and really worked hard."

    As a senator and candidate, Mr. Obama was quite forceful on the matter
    and quite disdainful of the Bush administration's tip-toeing around
    the word "genocide."

    In a January 2008 letter to the Armenian Reporter, Mr. Obama said he
    shared "with Armenian Americans - so many of whom are descended from
    genocide survivors - a principled commitment to commemorating and
    ending genocide. That starts with acknowledging the tragic instances
    of genocide in world history."

    In 2006, Mr. Obama noted, "I criticized the secretary of State for the
    firing of U.S. Ambassador to Armenia, John Evans, after he properly
    used the term 'genocide' to describe Turkey's slaughter of thousands
    of Armenians starting in 1915. I shared with secretary Rice my firmly
    held conviction that the Armenian Genocide is not an allegation, a
    personal opinion, or a point of view, but rather a widely documented
    fact supported by an overwhelming body of historical evidence."

    Asserted Mr. Obama, back then: "The facts are undeniable. An official
    policy that calls on diplomats to distort the historical facts is an
    untenable policy."

    Mr. Obama also stated unequivocally that "as President I will recognize
    the Armenian Genocide."

    His position on the matter was so strong, the Armenian National
    Committee of America had its own Obama File on Armenian Genocide
    Recognition which included a Youtube clip of the President on the
    campaign trail saying, "there was a genocide that did take place
    against the Armenian people. It is one of these situations where we
    have seen a constant denial on the part of the Turkish government."

    Today Hammer reiterated that the "President's position on the events
    of 1915 is well known and his view of that history has not changed."