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Muslim Rights And Wrongs

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  • Muslim Rights And Wrongs


    Assyrian International News Agency AINA
    March 4 2010

    Over the last decade the treatment of Muslims has dominated discussions
    about human rights in Europe, the United States and Israel. Whether
    it's Jihadis seized on the battlefields of Afghanistan, domestic
    terrorists plotting death and destruction in London, Ramallah or
    Jersey City, asylum seekers from the coasts of Australia to England,
    or your regular old Abdul or Hamid who may be a law abiding citizen
    or a fanatical mass murderer in waiting-- the Westernhuman rights
    debate over the last 10 years comes down to the treatment of Muslims.

    Muslim_loser1But is that all there is to the story? While left wing
    "human rights organizations" such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty
    International (which even went the trendy route of appointing a Muslim
    Secretary General) have dived in to the business of protecting the
    rights of Muslims in the West with both feet, very little attention is
    paid to the rights of Hindus, Jews, Christians, Buddhists and others
    living in Muslim countries.

    While the media plays up a real estate dispute between Jews and Muslims
    in Jerusalem as a major human rights story, the last Jews of Yemen are
    being evacuated after one of the community's few remaining leaders
    was murdered by a Yemeni Air Force Pilot who ordered him to convert
    to Islam or die. Yemen in turn fined the pilot and offered to build
    the remaining Jews their own ghetto for "their own protection".

    Naturally they chose to leave instead. And this is the life they
    described behind the "Sand Curtain" of Islam;

    A spokesman for the Jewish Federations, who met the Yemeni Jews shortly
    after they arrived in America, said they described a climate of fear
    in Yemen. Jewish men had to wear Arab headdresses and wrap their peyot
    behind their ears to hide their identity. Women wore burkas. "They
    didn't have any visible institutions like synagogues," he said. "They
    had to meet in people's apartments." For the first time, the new
    immigrants have been hanging mezuzot on the outside of their doors
    instead of the inside, and openly celebrating festivals like Succot.

    Yemeni Jews had been fleeing the country since the 19th century, a
    flow that only intensified when the Yemeni government began seizing
    orphaned Jewish children and converting them to Islam in the 20's
    (one such child is the current President of Yemen). After the creation
    of the State of Israel, the majority of Yemen's Jews fled the tide
    of Muslim violence. And now that last handful of what had been a
    community of tens of thousands is departing.

    But what makes the story of Yemen so damning is that it actually
    is fairly tolerant by Muslim standards. And that the Jews of Yemen
    are only a small part of the more than 800,000 Jewish refugees from
    Muslim lands in the Middle East whose plight is ignored, while the
    media insists on photographing toothless Palestinian Muslim Arabs
    posing with housekeys.

    Muslim_losers2The 800,000 Jewish refugees are themselves only part of
    the story. The Armenian genocide and the Assyrian Holocaust both offer
    eloquent testimony to how Muslims treat non-Muslim minorities. As
    do the modern day persecutions of the Zoroastrians in Iran and the
    Christian Copts in Egypt, who are denied basic rights and whose
    daughters are routinely kidnapped for forced Islamic conversion.

    While Muslims incessantly shout about their "rights" in Europe,
    America and Israel-- it might be a good idea to take a look at how
    non-Muslim guest workers are treated in Muslim countries.

    As much as 90 percent of Dubai is run by foreign guest workers
    who slave away for the Emirs. Thousands of them die annually in
    construction work to erect the magnificent skyscrapers designed by
    foreign architects and rented to foreigners that decorate Dubai's

    As much as 40 percent of Saudi Arabia consists of foreign guest
    workers who do everything for the fat bearded sons of Mahomet, but
    wipe their behinds. And in some cases even that as well. Saudi Arabia
    is built on the foreign oil companies they seized, built by American
    and British oil workers, serviced by Asian maids and African laborers.

    The latter have their passports seized by their employers, which
    transforms them into slaves of their employers without the right to
    even leave the country. The Saudis have built such a nightmarish slave
    state that it is one of the few rich countries in the world where
    guest workers actually try to get themselves deported. Without success.

    The Saudi and Dubai slave states are all the more relevant because
    so many of the organizations clamoring for the rights of Muslimsin
    the West are either Saudi fronts, such as CAIR, or Saudi funded,
    such as Human Rights Watch. And just as the USSR lectured America
    on civil rights while running the Gulags, Saudi Arabia oversees a
    nightmarish Islamic oligarchy in which non-Muslims have no rights,
    while demanding through its front groups that America throw open
    the doors to Guantanamo Bay, stop detaining Muslims for suspicious
    behavior, that Europe open wide for Islamic immigration and ban
    any criticism of Islam, and that Israel turn over land to terrorist
    organizations again funded by the Saudis.

    But until the Muslim world gives the same rights to non-Muslims as to
    Muslims, the same rights to women as to men... Muslims have no right
    to make such demands of anyone else. When religious minorities can
    live in peace and security in the Muslim world, only then can Muslims
    issue demands to non-Muslim countries.

    If Muslims abroad were treated as they treat others at home, they would
    enjoy few rights, their passports would be seized compelling them to
    work indefinitely, they would be murdered at random and their attackers
    let off with a fine, their children would be seized to be converted
    to another religion and their women would be jailed for not complying
    with local mores. Instead Muslims enjoy legal equality in their host
    countries, even as they spread the poison of an Islamist ideology
    that calls for the murder of non-Muslim. And sometimes act on it.

    Not only are Muslims treated far better than they treat others by
    America, Europe, Israel and the other non-Muslim countries that they
    routinely malign for "oppressing" them-- but they are treated far
    better than they themselves act while abroad.

    Despite all the talk about hate crimes against mosques, Muslims abroad
    have committed far more violent attacks on other people's houses of
    worship, than have been committed against theirs. Muslim rapes far
    outweigh any rapes of Muslims. Muslim terrorist attacks on non-Muslims
    far outweigh any terrorist attacks carried out against Muslims.

    Muslim_losers3That is the real portrait of Muslim ingratitude and
    atrocities, thinly veiled by the endless barrage of "Religion of
    Peace" propaganda, and the squealing by Saudi front groups bewailing
    the fate of Muslims living high on the hog in Sydney, Paris or Haifa,
    while spinning their favorite anthem of Death to Everyone Who Isn't Us.

    Muslim countries invite in non-Muslim tourists only to jail (Dubai)
    and murder (Egypt) them, despising non-Muslims and yet greedy
    for their gold. They rely on slave labor and yet fund lawfare and
    propaganda campaigns denouncing the US detention of the same Taliban
    throatslitters that they funded as well. Egypt, where a third of
    the children are malnourished, Saudi Arabia, where even half the
    Muslim population has less legal rights than a dog (correction:
    dogs are actually forbidden in Saudi Arabia) or Pakistan, where it
    is easier for rapists to convict their victim of adultery, than for
    the victim to convict them of rape-- all somehow manage to find the
    time to denounce thehuman rights of non-Muslim countries whose level
    of jurisprudence they couldn't reach with all the skyscrapers in Dubai.

    Perhaps before Muslim bleat about their rights, they should first
    begin honoring the rights of non-Muslims.

    By Daniel Greenfield

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress