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Jewish-Armenian Coalition Launches Armenian Genocide Recognition Eff

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  • Jewish-Armenian Coalition Launches Armenian Genocide Recognition Eff

    By Laura Boghosian and Howard Jaffe, Guest Commentary

    Watertown TAB & Press 76893655/Jewish-Armenian-coalition-launches-Armeni an-Genocide-recognition-effort
    March 4 2010

    WATERTOWN -- In 2007, Massachusetts residents learned that the
    Anti-Defamation League was denying the Armenian Genocide and lobbying
    for the Turkish government to prevent Congressional recognition of
    this crime against humanity. Fourteen communities, led by Watertown,
    as well as the Massachusetts Municipal Association, subsequently
    withdrew from the ADL's No Place for Hate program in protest.

    Many in the Jewish community were shocked that the ADL and other
    national Jewish organizations would actively work to deny another
    people's genocide. Members of Lexington's Temple Isaiah and Boston's
    Temple Israel decided to act, and with Boston-area Armenians, formed
    the Coalition to Recognize the Armenian Genocide.

    Coalition members cite the double standard of the Holocaust being
    universally recognized, while affirmation of the Armenian Genocide
    is subordinated to politics. To combat this injustice, the coalition
    has launched an online petition urging Congress and President Obama
    to recognize the Armenian Genocide.

    As a presidential candidate, Barack Obama proclaimed "a principled
    commitment to commemorating and ending genocide" that "starts with
    acknowledging the tragic instances of genocide in world history,"
    pledging, "As President, I will recognize the Armenian Genocide." He
    reiterated the Armenian Genocide is "a widely documented fact
    supported by an overwhelming body of historical evidence. The facts
    are undeniable. An official policy that calls on diplomats to distort
    the historical facts is an untenable policy."

    Yet President Obama, like those before him, acquiesced to Turkish
    threats and refused to employ the word "genocide" in his remarks
    last April 24, the day on which Armenians worldwide commemorate the
    victims. By appeasing the Turkish government, which orchestrates
    a multimillion-dollar campaign of denial, the United States makes
    itself complicit in this last stage of genocide.

    Some may view the Armenian Genocide as ancient history and wonder
    why it is so vital to affirm the historical record. Genocide denial
    endangers all humanity, as it fuels ongoing genocide and emboldens
    those who would commit future mass murders. The International
    Association of Genocide Scholars considers the Armenian Genocide the
    template for all the 20th-century genocides that followed. Indeed,
    on the eve of the Holocaust, Adolph Hitler observed, "Who, after all,
    speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?"

    Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir, under indictment by the
    International Criminal Court for atrocities in Darfur, has allied
    himself with Turkey, which, in turn, supplies him with weapons and
    denies Sudan is committing genocide. This cycle of genocide must
    be stopped!

    The House Foreign Affairs Committee will vote on a bill to recognize
    the Armenian Genocide in early March; if passed, it will advance to
    the full House. Turkey and its apologists are hard at work to prevent
    this resolution from passing. Sadly, the ADL is still speaking out
    against Congressional acknowledgment of the Armenian Genocide, and
    is, instead, advocating Turkey's call for a historical commission to
    study the events. Seven former IAGS presidents, including Helen Fein,
    Israel Charny and Gregory Stanton, have condemned this proposal as
    "a political sleight of hand designed to deny" the Armenian Genocide.

    As citizens, we must ensure that universal human rights and historical
    truth guide American foreign policy. How we act defines us as a
    people. If we insist that other nations uphold human rights, we must
    do so as well. And we must be consistent and not sacrifice the rights
    of some for political expediency.

    Forty-three U.S. states and numerous countries and international bodies
    have affirmed the Armenian Genocide. The time is long overdue for
    the United States government to join them. Please sign our petition
    calling for U.S. recognition of the Armenian Genocide, and ask your
    family and friends to do so as well.

    To sign, go to: ss_to_recognize_the_armenian_genocide

    Laura Boghosian is a resident of Lexington. Howard L. Jaffe is rabbi
    of Temple Isaiah, Lexington. They are co-founders of the Coalition
    to Recognize the Armenian Genocide.