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As Armenian Genocide Resolution Moves Toward Vote, Support Is Tenuou

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  • As Armenian Genocide Resolution Moves Toward Vote, Support Is Tenuou

    By Michael Doyle

    Miami Herald 22/as-armenian-genocide-resolution.html
    March 3 2010

    WASHINGTON -- Torn between international diplomacy and domestic
    politics, the Obama administration is speaking softly and not using any
    stick as a House of Representatives committee moves toward approving
    a controversial Armenian genocide resolution Thursday.

    The House Foreign Affairs Committee appears poised to approve the
    resolution, which asserts that, "The Armenian Genocide was conceived
    and carried out by the Ottoman Empire from 1915 to 1923."

    House committee passage, however, is only one step in a campaign that's
    intended to get the U.S. House of Representatives on the record as
    calling genocide the 1915-1923 events in which, by some counts, more
    than 1.5 million Armenians perished. That goal still could be elusive.

    "I'm optimistic, though I never underestimate the power of the Turkish
    lobby," Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff of California, the resolution's
    author, said in an interview Wednesday.

    The resolution has 137 House co-sponsors, far fewer than the 218
    that are needed for approval by the full House, leaving two crucial

    -Will House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., require the resolution's
    supporters to secure 218 co-sponsors before a full House vote?

    -What's President Barack Obama's position, and how forthrightly will
    he express it?

    The 218 co-sponsor standard isn't applied to every bill, but
    congressional leaders could use it to keep the incendiary resolution
    bottled up on procedural grounds.

    Obama supported an Armenian genocide resolution when he was
    campaigning for president, as have other candidates, but he avoided
    the term "genocide" in his official statement last April marking
    the events. His administration's subsequent statements could be
    interpreted as suggesting, but only obliquely, that Congress should
    leave the issue alone.

    "Our interests remain a full, frank and just acknowledgement of the
    facts related to the historical events," Secretary of State Hillary
    Clinton told the House Foreign Affairs Committee last Thursday. "But
    the best way to do that, with all respect, is for the Armenians and
    Turkish people themselves to address the facts of their past as part
    of their efforts to move forward."

    In a similar vein, Defense Secretary Robert Gates cautioned last month
    that, "Anything that would impede the success of those (Turkish and
    Armenian) discussions and negotiations I think is objectionable."

    Schiff characterized the Obama administration's apparent position
    as "neutral," which he described as "a step forward" from the Bush
    administration's vocal opposition to the genocide resolution.

    The resolution is a long-standing priority for the Armenian diaspora,
    politically potent and concentrated in Florida, New Jersey and
    California's San Joaquin Valley. The 2000 census recorded 385,000 U.S.

    residents of Armenian ancestry, three times the number who claim
    Turkish ancestry.

    Supporters call the resolution a necessary recognition of a
    human-directed catastrophe in which more than a million Armenians
    were killed or force-marched into the Syrian desert.

    The resolution, however, is perennially troublesome for presidents,
    who are pressed by worried U.S. military officers and diplomats,
    as well as by Turkish officials. The Turkish government considers
    the nonbinding resolution an insult to the nation's 72 million people.

    "We don't want anything to interfere with our relations," Murat Mercan,
    the chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of Turkey's Grand National
    Assembly, said in an interview.

    Mercan, who once taught management at Cleveland State University, led
    an eight-member parliamentary delegation this week to lobby against
    the resolution. The public relations firm Fleishman-Hillard, which has
    a $113,000-a-month contract with Turkey, according to public records,
    assisted the delegation's efforts.

    Mercan warned that passing the resolution would "make it very
    difficult if not impossible" for the Turkish legislature to ratify
    protocols negotiated between Turkey and Armenia. The protocols seek
    to reconcile the two countries, in part by establishing a historical
    commission to research what happened during World War I and afterward.

    American military contractors have joined the debate, with the chief
    executive officers of Boeing, Lockheed Martin and three other defense
    firms signing a joint letter last Friday warning that the resolution
    posed "negative repercussions for U.S. geopolitical interests and
    efforts to boost both exports and employments."