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1st Circuit Considers Challenge To Board Of Ed's Removal Of Material

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  • 1st Circuit Considers Challenge To Board Of Ed's Removal Of Material

    Sheri Qualters
    March 3 2010

    A panel of the 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals grilled a lawyer
    about his clients' standing to bring First Amendment claims against
    Massachusetts state educational agencies and officials for removing
    from a teacher curriculum guide Web sites that dispute the existence
    of an Armenian genocide.

    Harvey Silverglate, of counsel to Boston's Zalkind Rodriguez Lunt &
    Duncan, represented a group of Massachusetts students and teachers
    and the nonprofit Assembly of Turkish American Associations on the
    plaintiffs' side of Griswold v. Driscoll at the hearing on Tuesday.

    The plaintiffs claim the state board of education's 1999 decision to
    remove materials disputing the Armenian genocide from a curriculum
    guide violated the First Amendment's free speech clause.

    They filed suit in the District of Massachusetts on Oct. 26, 2005,
    and the court dismissed the case on June 10, 2009. With regard to the
    Assembly of Turkish American Associations, the lower court ruled that
    the lawsuit was time-barred by the three-year statute of limitations
    and there was no continuing violation of constitutional rights that
    extended the statute of limitations. With regard to the individual
    plaintiffs, the district court addressed the merits of the case in
    finding that they lacked standing. Specifically, Chief Judge Mark
    Wolf wrote:

    "Plaintiffs seek to escape the consequences of the general principle
    that government speech is immune from First Amendment scrutiny by
    emphasizing that the instant case allegedly involves the removal of
    contra-genocide materials from the Curriculum Guide as a result of
    political pressure. They assert that this case is analogous to [the
    U.S. Supreme Court decision in Board of Education Trustees Island
    Trees Union Free School District No. 26 v. Pico] and, therefore,
    that they have stated a valid claim. Plaintiffs' reliance on Pico is,
    however, unpersuasive for several reasons."

    At the 1st Circuit oral argument, Silverglate and the judges debated
    his case's similarity to the 1982 Supreme Court decision in Pico. In
    that case, a plurality of the Supreme Court deemed that the removal of
    nine books chosen by professional educators from school library shelves
    because of their controversial viewpoints violated the First Amendment.

    When Silverglate argued that his clients had the same standing as
    the plaintiffs in Pico, retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice David
    Souter told him "that may get you nothing more than a remand for
    factual development."

    Silverglate replied "the case is controlled in every material respect
    by Pico."

    "There's no question that the online library here was made ultimately
    for the benefit of the students via the teacher, just like in Pico,"
    Silverglate said.

    Circuit Judge Jeffrey Howard wanted to know how the students were
    being injured, given that the curriculum guide was voluntary.

    Silverglate responded that the plaintiffs were similarly situated to
    the students in Pico, in that "they were in the realm of voluntary

    Circuit Judge Michael Boudin told Silverglate that the circumstances
    of his case and the Pico case are very different. "Taking books off
    library shelves seems a little different than deciding what goes into
    a curriculum package," Boudin said.

    Under questioning by Souter, Silverglate agreed that Massachusetts
    could constitutionally limit curriculum materials only to those avowing
    the existence of the Armenian genocide. Silverglate said it was the
    decision to bow to political pressure and remove the materials once
    they were included that violated the plaintiffs' constitutional rights.

    Massachusetts Assistant Attorney General William Porter, who argued
    the case for the defendants, opened by asserting that the plaintiffs
    do not have standing to bring the claim because the curriculum guide
    is "a series of recommendations" to educators. "It does not compel
    the speech of any teacher or student," Porter said.

    Porter also said the curriculum changes made because of political
    influences were within the rights of the state's educators. "The
    curriculum guide is government speech, and the government is free
    to identify the analysis it intended to convey and change it,"
    Porter said.

    Porter said that there's no comparison between the removal of two or
    three pages in the curriculum guide and the activity Pico protected.

    He further argued that subsequent Supreme Court decisions, such as the
    2003 ruling in U.S. v. American Library Assoc. Inc., left Pico behind.

    That ruling rejected a First Amendment challenge to a federal law
    that bars public libraries from getting federal funds for Internet
    access unless they install pornography-blocking software.

    "The court upheld a requirement that federal funds require libraries
    to use Internet-filtering software," Porter said. "The court found
    libraries had wide latitude." p?id=1202445394078&st_Circuit_Considers_Challe nge_to_Board_of_Eds_Removal_of_Materials_Disputing _Armenian_Genocide