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Armenian Genocide Resolution Passed By 23 To 22

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  • Armenian Genocide Resolution Passed By 23 To 22


    05.03.2010 00:54

    Yerevan (Yerkir) - After nearly three hours of debate, and in a
    drawn-out two-hour vote, the House of Representatives' Committee
    on Foreign Affairs narrowly passed the Armenian Genocide resolution
    with 23 votes in favor and 22 in opposition, the Armenian Reporter
    reproted. House Resolution 252 affirms the U.S. record on the
    Armenian Genocide and recommends to the administration to reflect
    that understanding in U.S. foreign policy.

    As the committee meeting got underway, it emerged that a day earlier
    Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had asked committee chair Rep.

    Howard Berman (D.-Calif.) to hold off on the vote, but Mr. Berman
    nevertheless proceeded with the vote.

    The Associated Press cited White House spokesperson Mike Hammer as
    saying that Mrs. Clinton claimed that the vote would run counter to
    efforts to normalize relations between Armenia and Turkey; the same
    argument has been made by the Turkish government.

    The secretary of state and other U.S. officials made no such arguments
    when asked about the resolution in weeks before the vote. The latest
    intervention reportedly came following a call placed by Turkish
    President Abdullah Gul to President Barack Obama.

    At the end of a three-hour debate, 13 members spoke in favor of the
    resolution with 14 speaking in opposition pointing to a close vote
    to come.

    The only Muslim member of Congress Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) in his
    first remarks on the Genocide resolution spoke in favor of passage,
    stressing its importance for defense of human rights.

    Committee Chair Berman, Reps. Gary Ackerman (D-N.Y.), Chris Smith
    (R-N.J.), Don Payne (D-N.J.), Ed Royce (R-Calif.), Dana Rohrabacher
    (R-Calif.), Lynn Woolsey (D-Calif.), Jim Costa (D-Calif.), Gus
    Bilirakis (R-Fla.), Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) and Brad Sherman (D-Calif.)
    - all long-time affirmation supporters - also spoke in favor of
    the measure.

    Rep. Smith, in particular, called Turkey's denial of the genocide
    and lack of appropriate condemnation an "assault on the dignity of
    the Armenian people." For his part, Rep. Sherman urged members of
    Congress "not to act like cowards" in face of "hollow" Turkish
    threats. He listed America's many contributions to Turkey's security
    and development, as well as Armenia's efforts to assist U.S. policies,
    as he argued forcefully in favor of the measure.

    Rep. Sherman also noted that Armenia's leaders supported the
    resolution's passage and argued that unless U.S. stopped deferring
    to Turkey, Armenia-Turkey protocols will remain stuck due to the
    Turkish government's refusal to ratify them.

    The committee's most senior Republican, Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
    (R-Fla.) spoke repeatedly against passing the resolution citing
    national security concerns.

    Long-time resolution opponent Rep. Dan Burton (R-Ind.) cited the
    Armenia-Turkey protocols signed last October, and particularly the
    clause on "sub-commission on historical dimension," as an argument
    against the resolution.

    Also citing the protocols were two past resolution supporters, Reps.

    Bill Delahunt (D-Mass.) and Mike McCaul (R-Tex.) who this time vote
    against, arguing that resolution's passage would "harm Armenians."
    Opposing the resolution were recently elected Committee members Reps.

    Mike McMahon (D-N.Y.) and Gerald Connolly (D-Va.), who claimed that
    the resolution does not help America's foreign policy priorities.

    Also speaking in opposition were Reps. Mike Pence (R-Ind.), John Tanner
    (D-Tenn.), Jeff Fortenberry (R-Neb.), Bob Inglis (R-S.C.), Ted Poe
    (R-Tex.), Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), Russ Carnahan (D-Mo.) and Ron Paul

    Voting began at 2:15 PM EST as scheduled and continued for an hour
    and a half. More resolution opponents voted early on, putting the
    ultimate passage in question. It was not until minutes before the
    vote was closed that a narrow majority for passage was established.

    As Mr. Berman read out the final tabulated votes, 23 in favor,
    22 against, the audience in the hearing room which included three
    Armenian Genocide survivors broke into cheers.

    Also present at the debate were three members of the Armenian
    parliament and eight members of the Turkish parliament along with
    ambassadors from Turkey and Armenia.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress