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U.S. Resolution Could Help Armenia-Turkey Rapprochement

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  • U.S. Resolution Could Help Armenia-Turkey Rapprochement elp_ArmeniaTurkey_Rapprochement/1975603.html

    Radi o Free Europe/Radio Liberty
    March 05, 2010

    U.S. Resolution Could Help Armenia-Turkey Rapprochement

    The U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee has narrowly passed another
    resolution recognizing the Ottoman-era mass killing of Armenians in
    Turkey as genocide. This was the second such resolution passed by the
    committee in less than three years and third in less than five years.

    In 2007 when the House committee approved a resolution asking the U.S.
    president to recognize the Armenian killings as genocide, critics
    argued forcefully that the passage of such measure could put the U.S.
    troops in Iraq in harm's way and damage already deteriorating
    relations between Ankara and Washington.

    Almost every member of the Bush administration, including former
    Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Secretary of Defense Robert
    Gates, issued statements with stern warning of the dire consequences
    passage of the resolution would have for U.S. interests in Iraq and
    elsewhere in the wider Middle East.

    The pressure from the Bush administration worked; though the committee
    passed the resolution, it was never sent to the full House of
    Representatives for a final vote.

    Yesterday's vote was different. The pressure from the White House was
    not so visible and there were no public attempts to prevent the vote.
    The statements coming from the White House and the State Department
    repeated the same line, that Turkey and Armenia should move forward in
    implementing the protocols to normalize relations.

    The Obama administration also refrained from taking sides publicly on
    the issue. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, for one, had a chance
    to appeal to committee members not to consider the Armenian resolution
    when she was testifying before the House panel in late February.

    It became known just hours before the vote on March 4 that Clinton had
    spoken with committee Chairman Howard Berman expressing concern that
    further congressional action could jeopardize the fragile process of
    rapprochement between Yerevan and Ankara.

    Turkey's reaction to the vote has been furious. Turkey accused the
    Obama administration of not doing enough to stop the vote in the House
    committee, and has recalled its ambassador in Washington for
    consultations. The Turkish foreign minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, said
    today the Obama administration had not sufficiently put its weight
    behind efforts to block the vote.

    Why were Obama administration officials reluctant to put strong
    pressure on Chairman Berman or on other fellow Democrats in the House
    committee, where they have a majority?

    One reason could be the level of U.S. frustration with Turkey's
    leaders. The patience with Ankara's handling of the Armenian-Turkish
    issue may be running out. The administration was hoping that the
    protocols wouldn't be held hostage by domestic politics in Turkey and
    be delayed in the long process of parliamentary politicking.

    President Barack Obama and Clinton have told Turkish leaders many
    times that they should not tie the ratification of the protocols to
    the resolution of other difficult issues, such as the Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict. Just a day before the committee vote, Obama urged his
    Turkish counterpart Abdullah Gul to speed up ratification.

    Now that the House panel has passed the resolution, which could go to
    the full House for a vote at any time, the White House may now have a
    tool to break Ankara's unwillingness to move forward and normalize its
    relations with neighboring Armenia. The Obama administration can now
    say, "Ratify the protocols or the genocide resolution will go to the
    full House for a vote."

    There is, however, another trend that is unlikely to be reversed. It's
    becoming increasingly difficult for a U.S. presidential candidate,
    including Obama, to promise Armenian-Americans to recognize their
    century-old tragedy as genocide, and then break that promise once
    elected president. How many times can Obama skip the word "genocide"
    in his annual proclamation on the mass killings of Armenians in the
    Ottoman Empire? He already did last year. What will happen this year?

    -- Hrair Tamrazian