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Turkey reacts with fury to US genocide claim

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  • Turkey reacts with fury to US genocide claim

    The National, UAE
    March 6 2010

    Turkey reacts with fury to US genocide claim
    Thomas Seibert, Foreign Correspondent

    Last Updated: March 05. 2010 11:17PM UAE / March 5. 2010 7:17PM GMT

    Photo; Turkish nationalists hold signs calling for sanctions against
    the US after American politicians called the killing of Armenians in
    1915 genocide. EPA

    ISTANBUL // Turkish-American relations were in turmoil yesterday after
    a US congressional panel called on the United States government to
    recognise the death of hundreds of thousands of Armenians in the First
    World War as genocide, a move observers said would obstruct chances of
    reconciliation between governments in Ankara and Yerevan.

    `This was the last nail in the coffin of the protocols' foreseeing the
    establishment of diplomatic relations and the opening of the border
    between Turkey and Armenia, Cengiz Aktar, a political scientist at
    Istanbul's Bahcesehir University, said yesterday. The protocols were
    signed by both governments last year but have not been ratified.

    Prof Aktar, a leading member of a group of Turkish intellectuals that
    is calling for reconciliation between Turks and Armenians, said
    government efforts to bring the two countries closer together had
    ended in a `total fiasco'.

    Despite lobbying by Turkey and a last-minute appeal by the White
    House, the House of Representatives foreign affairs committee voted
    23-22 to approve a non-binding resolution which calls on the US
    president, Barack Obama, to ensure US policy formally refers to the
    killing of the Armenians in 1915 as genocide.

    It is not clear yet whether the resolution will reach the floor of the
    House. Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, warned against such
    a resolution.

    Following the vote, Ankara recalled its ambassador in Washington, a
    very strong sign of protest in international diplomacy rarely seen
    between two allies such as Turkey and the US. The office of Recep
    Tayyip Erdogan, the Turkish prime minister, said in a statement the
    his nation had been `accused of a crime it did not commit'.

    Abdullah Gul, the Turkish president, warned of the adverse effects on
    Turkish-US relations. `Turkey will not be responsible for any negative
    consequence of this vote.'

    Before the decision, Turkish media had reported that Ankara threatened
    to cancel defence and civilian deals with US companies worth billions
    of dollars. A small nationalist party said it would stage
    anti-American demonstrations in several Turkish cities in protest.

    Ahmet Davutoglu, the foreign minister and a driving force behind the
    Turkish-Armenian protocols last year, said the US lawmakers were
    `preventing a historic peace between the Turkish and the Armenian
    peoples'. Mr Davutoglu said Turkey's efforts to resolve disputes with
    Armenia would continue, but that the vote in Washington put those in

    But there were also signs that Ankara is not interested in further
    escalating tensions with the US. Mr Davutoglu said it was `early' to
    talk about retaliatory steps, in a reference to possible sanctions
    concerning the Incirlik airbase in southern Turkey, an important
    logistical hub for US troops deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. He also
    said there was no question of pulling back Turkish soldiers from

    Turkey fears a genocide recognition by a growing number of western
    countries could lead to compensation demands or territorial claims by
    Armenia. Parliaments in France, Switzerland and other countries have
    passed resolutions condemning the Armenian genocide in recent years.

    Mr Obama supported recognition as a US presidential candidate, but has
    refrained from doing so since he came to office last year, citing
    reconciliation efforts between Ankara and Yerevan.

    The fate of the Anatolian Armenians is one of the most delicate issues
    in Turkish society. Armenia and many international scholars say the
    Ottoman Empire ordered the killing of the Armenians in the First World
    War and that up to 1.5 million people perished in massacres and death

    Turkey puts the death toll much lower and says the deaths were
    unintentional consequences of a relocation campaign under wartime
    condition. Ankara also says that many Muslim Turks were killed by
    Armenian militants.

    In the protocols signed after Swiss mediation last year, Turkey and
    Armenia agreed to have historians look at the events of 1915. They
    also said they would exchange ambassadors and open the border, which
    has been closed since the early 1990s, when a conflict between
    Turkey's ally Azerbaijan and Armenia erupted over the region of
    Nagorny-Karabakh, an Armenian enclave on Azerbaijani territory.

    Under pressure from Azerbaijan and nationalists at home, Mr Erdogan
    has promised his government would not send the protocols to parliament
    for ratification until there is progress in the Karabakh question.
    >From there, the process started to unravel as both the US and Armenia
    had rejected linking the issues.

    But Prof Aktar predicted that Turkish-Armenian reconciliation efforts
    by individuals and society would continue.

    One example is a project to rebuild a 10th-century bridge over the
    Arpacay river that forms the border between Turkey and Armenia. The
    bridge, which used to be an important crossing point on the Silk Road,
    the historical trade route linking Europe and China, would be rebuilt
    in a joint Turkish and Armenian effort, according to reports in the
    Turkish press. Prof Aktar said that over time, the track of `civilian
    diplomacy' may become strong enough to influence official policy in
    both countries. l/article?AID=/20100306/FOREIGN/703059806/1140