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Genocide is Genocide: Exposing the Truth About the Turkish Massacre

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  • Genocide is Genocide: Exposing the Truth About the Turkish Massacre

    The Moderate Voice
    March 5 2010

    Genocide is Genocide: Exposing the Truth About the Turkish Massacre of
    the Armenians

    Posted by MICHAEL STICKINGS, Assistant Editor in International, Politics, War

    It was a close vote, 23-22, but the House Foreign Affairs Committee
    voted yesterday, if I may quote the NYT, `to condemn as genocide the
    mass killings of Armenians early in the last century, defying a
    last-minute plea from the Obama administration to forgo a vote that
    seemed sure to offend Turkey and jeopardize delicate efforts at
    Turkish-Armenian reconciliation.'

    It's a vote I applaud enthusiastically. And not for the first time.
    Here's what I wrote back in October 2007:

    What happened to Armenians in the Ottoman Empire from 1915 to 1917 was
    genocide ' an estimated 1.5 million killed, a brutal and systematic
    process of deportation and slaughter aimed at wiping out the Armenian
    population ' but you wouldn't know it if you got your history from the
    Turks, who committed the genocide (now known as the Armenian
    Genocide, or Holocaust), or from their present-day apologists in the
    Bush Administration, from Bush and Rice and Gates, the Holocaust
    deniers who sit at the top of the U.S. government. The House Foreign
    Affairs Committee passed a resolution last week, calling what happened
    to the Armenians what it was, genocide, but the deniers wanted none of

    I wouldn't describe Obama and those in his administration as deniers
    (I'm sure they know and acknowledge privately what really happened),
    but they're certainly doing much the same thing the previous
    administration did, namely, refusing to acknowledge publicly that what
    happened in Armenia was genocide, and all because of those
    ever-so-delicate, ever-so-important American-Turkish relations, which
    apparently couldn't survive an admission of truth.

    For its part, Turkey has been waging a decades-long campaign to deny
    the genocide, a shameful refusal not just to take responsibility for
    one of the most horrendous massacres in history but even to admit that
    it really happened. And its reaction when challenged, this time as
    always, suggests a level of collective national immaturity that is
    truly appalling. In response to the House vote ' which, again, was
    just yesterday ' the Turkish ambassador to Washington was recalled and
    the Turking prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, issued the following
    statement: `We condemn this bill that denounces the Turkish nation of
    a crime that it has not committed.'

    Well, it did, whether it wants to admit it or not.

    And while I understand the desire to maintain close and friendly
    relations with Turkey, a valuable ally, there is simply no excuse for
    the U.S. government, whether it's Bush or Obama in the White House, to
    play along with, and to lend credence to, such a lie. It might as well
    deny that slavery ever happened.

    Besides, the Turks are bluffing. Do they really want to cut off ties
    with America? Hardly. They need America, just like they need the West
    generally, and it's about time their denials were puncutured and they
    were held to account for one of the darkest events of the last

    Thankfully, 23 members of the U.S. House of Representatives agree. Not
    thankfully, there are far too many, including at the highest levels of
    the government, who are in cahoots with the Turks. -is-genocide-exposing-the-truth-about-the-turkish- massacre-of-the-armenians/