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Aide: No plans to bring Armenian measure to US House

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  • Aide: No plans to bring Armenian measure to US House

    Ynetnews, Israel
    March 5 2010

    Aide: No plans to bring Armenian measure to US House

    Published: 03.05.10, 20:06 / Israel News

    There are no plans at this point to schedule a full U.S. House of
    Representatives vote on a resolution labeling as genocide the World
    War One-era mass killings of Armenians by Turks, a Democratic
    leadership aide said on Friday.

    Advocates of the resolution will have to show the chamber's Democratic
    leaders that they have the votes for passage before the measure will
    be brought to the House floor, said another Democratic aide. Both
    spoke to Reuters on condition that they not be named. (Reuters),7340 ,L-3858439,00.html