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A Sensitive Turkey Recalls US Ambassador

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  • A Sensitive Turkey Recalls US Ambassador

    Yeshiva World News , Israel
    March 5 2010

    A Sensitive Turkey Recalls US Ambassador

    March 5, 2010 It would appear that Turkish President Abdullah Gul and
    Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan have no difficulty
    labeling Israeli officials `murderers of children' and `guilty of war
    crimes' but when the United States labels the atrocities perpetrated
    by Turks against Armenians, that is an entirely different matter.

    The bloodshed leading to the massacre of Armenians during the WWI time
    period is a sore subject, one that may not be addressed as far as
    Turkey is concenred. Nevertheless, despite efforts by US Secretary of
    State Hillary Clinton to prevent the vote, a congressional panel on
    Thursday voted to label the Turkish massacre `genocide', a move that
    has prompted Ankara to signal it will be recalling its US ambassador
    `for consultations'. The House Foreign Relations Committee in a 23-22
    vote approved the resolution, clearing it for the full House.
    Nevertheless, this does not guarantee or compel that the House will
    vote on the non-binding resolution.

    Erdogan explained that the vote simply complicates efforts to mend
    relations between Turkey and Armenia, with the latter being Christian.
    He condemned the vote, insisting his country is being blamed for a
    crime `it did not commit'.

    In a veiled threat, Erdogan continued `we warned the United States
    that such a move would harm relations between our countries' and so it
    may be the case, as the ambassador has been recalled, `for
    consultations'. Armenia on the other hand called the move a boost for
    human rights.

    The move does place the White House in a bind since Turkey is a NATO
    ally and on the other hand, US policy must now reflect the vote,
    referring to the massacre as an act of genocide.

    Interestingly, Turkey, which has been a champion of Israel-bashing
    since Operation Cast Lead, calling on the Security Council to impose
    sanctions against Israel, is willing to admit to the fact that Ottoman
    force killed Armenians, but denies the number was 1.5 million as
    recorded in history. While Turkey is a non-religious Muslim nation, it
    does seem however to prefer to adapt to the standard Arab policy
    regarding controversial facts by changing history to suit its agenda.

    (Yechiel Spira ` YWN Israel)