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BAKU: Mammadov: After passage, Armenia Won't be Just in NK conflict

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  • BAKU: Mammadov: After passage, Armenia Won't be Just in NK conflict

    APA, Azerbaijan
    March 5 2010

    Novruz Mammadov: `After such passage, Armenia will uplift more and
    will not demonstrate just position in Nagorno Karabakh conflict'

    [ 05 Mar 2010 19:50 ]

    Baku. Lachin Sultanova-APA. `The House Committee of Foreign Affairs
    has recognized so-called Armenian genocide by holding wide,
    comprehensive discussions, organizing voting in different forms',
    Chief of the International Relations Department of the Presidential
    Administration Novruz Mammadov told APA in his exclusive interview on
    passage of so-called Armenian genocide resolution at US Congress

    `We don't consider it is a just decision, just position, we denounce
    it', chief of the department expressed his regret: `It isn't a just
    and right decision. The fact is that, before the passage of that
    resolution, Turkey noted that we must solve the problem together. We
    live in a difficult situation in the 21st century. It concerns the
    countries too. As if, there is one justice crisis in the entire world.
    The fact is that Turkey is one of the important countries in the
    region. It is one of the main supporters of US, main member country of
    NATO. It has powerful army and powerful economy. I think that it is a
    kind of pressure on Turkey. After the collapse of Warsaw Treaty I
    can't understand the attitude towards Turkey. It is impossible to
    understand with the justice of this position'.
    Mammadov noted that such developments may negatively influence on
    solution to Nagorno Karabakh conflict. Unfortunately, today, the
    leading powers of the world want to subordinate the ongoing processes
    to their interests. Therefore, the justice is always violated.