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BAKU: Karabakh settlement 'not a step nearer' - Azerbaijani official

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  • BAKU: Karabakh settlement 'not a step nearer' - Azerbaijani official, Azerbaijan
    March 5 2010

    Karabakh settlement 'not a step nearer' - Azerbaijani official
    Fri 05 March 2010 | 13:35 GMT Text size:

    Novruz Mammadov Azerbaijani official has commented on development of
    relations in the region in the light of the resolution on the
    so-called "Genocide" of Armenians.

    'The action of the US Congress and political circles in relation to
    Turkey is a clear example of lack of fairness, prevailing in the
    system of international relations. It has especially become obvious
    after the Soviet collapse, when the world became unipolar and
    dependent on Western policy. The world is undergoing a difficult
    period, which goes into a protracted crisis resulting from the bias
    and lack of basic fairness of the leading countries in conducting
    foreign policy', said Chief of Department of International Relations
    of the Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan, Novruz Mamedov.

    'It seems very strange that the process of discussing fictional
    `genocide' of Armenians in the Committee on Foreign Relations of the
    US Congress was hyped and broadcast on TV and radio. It seems that it
    is a rigged and deliberate process, which is an element of pressure on
    Turkey. By large it seems that the unfair and biased attitude to
    Muslim peoples and countries has become common for the West.

    For example, Section 907 in relation to Azerbaijan has not been
    abolished despite repeated recognition of injustice of this amendment
    by the United States and promises to repeal it,' noted the Department
    Head of the Presidential Administration.

    'Then what fairness and impartiality should Azerbaijan expect from the
    leading powers in the settlement of the Karabakh conflict? Throughout
    nearly 20 years of negotiations, the settlement of the
    Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict has not become a step nearer largely at
    the fault of the aggressor - Armenia. Against this background, it is
    strange to see when suddenly in a year and a half the international
    community initiates active Armenian-Turkish dialogue, while putting
    unprecedented pressure on Turkey so that it opened the border with
    Armenia. The question is, why for all these years a smaller part of
    this pressure was not exerted on Armenia, which occupied Azerbaijani
    lands, and therefore it is impossible to achieve stability and
    prosperity in the South Caucasus', Mammadov said

    It's no secret that the United States is the only player and a
    superpower capable of solving or at least putting a strong pressure
    on countries that pose a threat to regional stability. But for some
    reason we have not seen such a strong position of the United States
    and the world community in the South Caucasus in relation to Armenia.
    On the contrary, by its steps the US Congress actually cheered and
    supported the aggressor - Armenia', concluded the Mammadov.
