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AYF Confronts Azeri Diplomat at World Affairs Council Event

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  • AYF Confronts Azeri Diplomat at World Affairs Council Event

    AYF Confronts Azeri Diplomat at World Affairs Council Event

    By Allen Yekikan on Mar 5th, 2010 eri-diplomat-at-world-affairs-council-event/


    NEWPORT BEACH, CA - More than 150 members and supporters of the Armenian
    Youth Federation turned out at the Pacific Club Thursday evening to
    protest Azerbaijan's Consul General of Los Angeles, Elin Suleymanov.

    Suleymanov General had been invited by the World Affairs Council (WAC)
    to speak about Azerbaijan's role in the world during a banquet-style
    event they organize every month. The Azeri diplomat used the
    opportunity to tout his country as a `strategically vital region to
    the U.S. and other superpowers.'

    `This diplomat spoke for two hours, talking at length about how
    moderate, peaceful, economically stable, prosperous and wonderful
    Azerbaijan is,' said Vache Thomassian, an AYF member who attended the
    event to ask the diplomat about Azerbaijan's growing war rhetoric
    against Armenia and Karabakh.

    `Suleymanov, would have you believe that Armenia today occupies 20
    percent of Azeri territory and as an aggressor nation has displaced a
    million Azeris that no longer have homes. He will have you believe
    there were massacres that Armenians committed against innocent Azeri's
    and that our people committed murder to live in their own homeland,'
    said Thomassian.

    But those are all lies, he exclaimed, speaking to the protesters after
    the event concluded. `Our voices were heard very clearly; the walls
    are not as thick as they seem and the louder we got, the more nervous
    he seemed,' said Thomassian. `The Consul General frequently mentioned
    his frustration with the protesters. he even paused during his speech,
    pointed outside and said `these people follow me wherever I go'.'

    Protest organizer Caspar Jivalagian said the AYF learned about this
    event only a week before it happened and `in that short period of time
    we drafted an official letter to the WAC, held a protest workshop,
    made all the signs and banners, and got the word out to thousands of

    Incidentally, it was revealed that among the organization's board
    members was an Armenian-American. Serge Thomassian approached the
    demonstrators at close of the protest to express his admiration for
    their efforts, explaining that he had attempted to steer the board
    away from the decision to invite Suleymanov. `Though I was unable to
    convince the board to drop the speaker, I did manage to secure an
    event in April to commemorate the Armenian Genocide and Jewish
    Holocaust,' he explained.

    The WAC board member also said that because of the protest, what was
    to be a one-sided lecture became an educational experience for the
    guests, who learned first-hand about Azerbaijan's human rights
    violations and its denial of self-determination to Nagorno-Karabakh.

    `This demonstration was a testament to the will of the Armenian youth
    and sent a clear message to the Azeri consul that we will not allow
    his administration to spread its war rhetoric and propaganda, whether
    it be here in Los Angeles, or across the globe in Azerbaijan,' said

    AYF Chairman Arek Santikian, who had been inside the event alongside
    Thomassian, echoed those sentiments.

    `Our goal tonight was to have a two-front operation with the impact of
    our questions being bolstered by loud protests against Azerbaijan's
    inhumanity from outside,' explained Santikian. `After the protests
    started, there wasn't a single person inside who didn't stop for a
    moment to think about the credibility of Suleymanov's claims.'

    Santikian and Thomassian had submitted three questions during the
    event, all of which were asked to the diplomat. Among the questions
    was one asking Suleymanov to explain how his government will ensure
    security for international energy exports in the region when it's
    unwilling to work for peace and constantly threatens to ignite a new
    war in the region.

    `The Azeri diplomat circumvented the question, fabricating his own set
    of facts to support his initial claims about Azerbaijan's peace-loving
    nature,' Santikian recalled.

    `Azerbaijan keeps to all its negotiations and sees them through,
    unlike many other countries,' Suleymanov said during the event. `Every
    country must bear consequences for what they do and if progress is not
    made to resolve the conflict, terrible things will happen in the

    These remarks are representative of the reality we face today as
    Armenians, Thomassian said. `We stand at a place in history when
    Azerbaijan says that a `great war is inevitable' in the Caucasus
    almost 20 years after the ceasefire of Karabakh was signed,' he
    continued. `We live in a time when Azerbaijan spends more than Armenia
    spends on its entire budget to buy tanks, to buy jets, to by weapons,
    bombs and apache helicopters to prepare themselves for a war they will

    Though a fragile state of `no peace, no war' has held over the years,
    Azerbaijan refuses to cooperate in internationally mediated peace
    talks with Armenia and instead threatens to take Karabakh by force. On
    February 25, Azerbaijan's Defense Minister, Safar Abiyev, stepped up
    Baku's war rhetoric, this time threatening to launch an inevitable
    `great war' against Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh.

    The daily recurrence of threats to invade Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh
    emanating from Baku is what motivated the AYF to mobilize its
    membership to demonstrate against the event, explained Jivalagian.
    `This is an issue we all hold very dear to our hearts,' he said,
    adding that the protest also sought to remind Suleymanov that the
    Armenian-American community has not forgotten the massacre of
    Armenians in Sumgait.

    The protest came days after the 22nd anniversary of the deadly pogroms
    of Sumgait on Feb. 27, 1988, which marked the beginning of a
    systematic campaign by Azerbaijan's OMON Special Forces to use
    massacres and violence to forcefully uproot Armenians from Azerbaijan
    and Nagorno-Karabakh.

    The events in Sumgait, which came as a direct response to Armenians'
    expression of their right to self-determination in 1988, were followed
    by equally violent pogroms in the Azeri cities of Kirovabad, Baku and
    later in the Northern Shahoumian district of Nagorno-Karabakh. The
    violence against Armenians eventually escalated and Azerbaijan
    launched a military invasion into Nagorno-Karabakh, sparking a
    devastating war in the region that ended in 1994 with a ceasefire that
    left the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic free from Azeri rule.

    `Diplomats from Azerbaijan tour the world talking about how Armenia is
    an aggressor nation and that Azerbaijan must defend its territorial
    integrity from the Armenians.

    We know, despite Azerbaijan's lies, Karabakh is and always will be
    Armenian land, and that it will remain independent,' said Thomasian.
    `So long as we have the ability to breath and the ability to fight and
    defend that land, we will defend it, we will remember the massacres
    that happened in Sumgait and in Baku and we will not forget that 22
    years ago pogroms were committed against Armenians that were
    reminiscent of the genocide.'

    `And we will not forget that people like Suleymanov are touring around
    the world, that there are defense ministers and presidents in
    Azerbaijan saying that in ten years there will no longer be a Karabakh
    or Armenia,' he added. `We will remember that and keep that in the
    front of our minds, and we will be there every step that this man
    takes to take what he says and shove it right back in his face.'