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Hillary Clinton Calls Genocide Resolution `Inappropriate'

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  • Hillary Clinton Calls Genocide Resolution `Inappropriate'

    Hillary Clinton Calls Genocide Resolution `Inappropriate'

    By Asbarez Staff on Mar 5th, 2010 calls-genocide-resolution-%e2%80%98inappropriate%e 2%80%99/

    WASHINGTON (ArmRadio)-The Obama administration believes the passage of
    the Armenian Genocide resolution on Thursday was inappropriate, U.S.
    Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said, reported ArmRadio, citing
    Turkish sources.

    `We have made that clear to all parties involved,' she said, while
    responding to a question about the resolution in the U.S. House of
    Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs.

    A journalist asked: `Before entering the administration, both you and
    President Obama supported the campaign to label 1915 incidents as
    `genocide.' In recent days, both you and he have made direct appeals
    to Howard Berman, the chairman of the House's Foreign Affairs
    Committee, against the draft resolution. Could you explain why you and
    the president have reversed course on this issue?'

    Clinton responded: `Well, I think circumstances have changed in very
    significant ways. When President Obama took office and I became
    secretary of state, we determined that the process undertaken by
    Switzerland in bringing the Turkish and Armenian governments together
    was a very worthy one that we intended to support, and we have done
    so. I was personally in Zurich at the time when the protocols for the
    normalization of the relationship between the two countries were
    signed. We think that is the appropriate way to manage the problems
    that have stood in the way of normalization between the two

    `I do not think it is for any other country to determine how two
    countries resolve matters between them, to the extent that actions
    that the United States might take could disrupt this process,' she

    `Therefore, President Obama and I have made clear, both last year and
    again this year, that we do not believe any action by the Congress is
    appropriate, and we oppose it. We do not believe that the full
    Congress will or should act upon that resolution, and we have made
    that clear to all the parties involved,' the Hurriyet Daily News cited
    Clinton as saying.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress