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`Turkish Ambassadors in Washington Don't Have Much Luck': G Manoyan

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  • `Turkish Ambassadors in Washington Don't Have Much Luck': G Manoyan

    `Turkish Ambassadors in Washington Don't Have Much Luck': Giro Manoyan

    16:02 - 05.03.10

    `Turkish ambassadors in Washington don't have much luck,' said head of
    the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Dashnaktsutyun, ARF-D) Bureau's
    Armenian Cause (`Hay Dat') and Political Affairs Office Giro Manoyan
    at a press conference today, referring to recent reports that Turkey
    had recalled its ambassador from Washington.

    According to Manoyan, Turkey is particularly worried after the US
    Congress Committee on Foreign Affairs adopted Armenian Genocide
    Resolution, and it's possible that Turkey will raise issues relating
    to Turkey-US relations with the US, but it will not ratify the
    Armenia-Turkey Protocols.

    Manoyan noted that there are no guarantees that House Resolution 252
    won't undergo the same fate previous draft bills had; that is, being
    approved in a congressional committee only to not make it to a full
    house vote. But in the ARF-D member's opinion, much hinges on Turkey's
    attitude toward the US and its counter-reaction. Manoyan said that the
    resolution doesn't have any legal weight; its value is entirely

    Asked whether the passing of this resolution will have an effect on
    Obama's April 24 address, and whether he will perhaps utter the word
    Genocide, Manoyan found it difficult to respond, noting that, however,
    the reason for not saying the word Genocide last year wasn't the
    Armenia-Turkey Protocols, and if he doesn't use the word Genocide
    again this year, it wont' be because of the Protocols: `Those are just
    a pretense,' he said.

    What should Armenia do so that there are more yes votes than no votes
    on the Armenian Genocide Resolution at the full US Congress? asked one
    journalist. To which Manoyan responded that there was much work to be
    done; for example, even today, the National Assembly Chair can send a
    letter to the US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi.