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BAKU: Milli Majlis claims protest to US Congress

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  • BAKU: Milli Majlis claims protest to US Congress

    Azerbaijan Business Center
    March 5 2010

    Milli Majlis claims protest to US Congress for plans to recognize
    Ottoman Empire's genocide of Armenians in 1915-18

    Baku, Fineko/ Today Milli Majlis (Azerbaijani parliament) has
    passed a statement in connection with the decision of the US House of
    Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs to raise the issue of
    general voting for recognition of genocide of Armenians in the Ottoman
    Empire in 1915-1918.

    Samed Seyidov, the chairperson of the Milli Majlis Committee for
    International & Inter-Parliamentary Relations, said that in accordance
    with the statement the US House of Representatives' decision on
    recognition of so-called genocide of Armenians could cause damage to
    attempts to restore peace and stability in the region.

    `It can bring to nought all the attempts made earlier on settlement of
    Nagorno Garabagh conflict,' Seyidov cited the statement text.

    Milli Majlis hopes that the US Congress will refuse from discussion of
    this matter as western experts and researchers proved that there was
    no genocide.