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Turkey has recalled its Ambassador from the USA

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  • Turkey has recalled its Ambassador from the USA

    Ukrainian Globalist
    March 5 2010

    Turkey has recalled its Ambassador from the USA

    Diplomatic relations between Turkey and the USA are being suspended

    In brief: Thus in response to the US Resolution the official Ankara
    has recalled its Ambassador from Washington suspending thus diplomatic
    relations with the USA.

    Turkey has recalled its Ambassador from Washington. The reason is the
    Resolution on recognizing Turkish genocide of Armenian people in the
    beginning of the last century adopted by the US parliament.

    Turkey does not find itself guilty of such violation of human rights
    as genocide of Armenians. Besides Turkish authorities has recently
    started negotiations with Armenia which have been being suspended for
    several decades. And now official Ankara worries that the US
    Resolution can make negative affect to establishing peace and
    diplomatic relations between Turkey and Armenia.

    Thus in response to the US Resolution the official Ankara has recalled
    its Ambassador from Washington suspending thus diplomatic relations
    with the USA. Besides, the Minister of foreign relations of Turkey has
    shown the intention to close the US-Turkish airbase and to recall
    Turkish military forces from Afghanistan.

    Azerbaijan is going to follow Turkey and recall its Ambassador from
    the USA. Azeri authorities are also concerned about breaching of the
    peace in their region by the official Washington. Azeri deputies
    advise the US authorities to revise their own history on the subject
    of genocide of Indian tribes and Africans before judging events
    occured without their participation.

    Maria Velikanova
    2010-03-05 14:37, Society. y-has-recalled-its-ambassador-from-the-usa