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Obama's administration 'playing double game'

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  • Obama's administration 'playing double game', Azerbaijan
    March 5 2010

    Obama's administration 'playing double game'
    Fri 05 March 2010 | 12:15 GMT Text size:

    Mubariz Gurbanly Turkey and Azerbaijan will express their protest to
    the US Congress.

    Deputy Executive Secretary of the New Azerbaijan Party (YAP), MP
    Mubariz Gurbanly, commented on the impact of the adoption of
    resolution number 252 in the US Congressional committee.

    'This resolution is directly contrary to the interests of not only
    Turkey but also Azerbaijan and generally runs counter to the universal
    values of the world. The United States should think that a handful of
    bribed congressmen makes decisions that are contrary to the American
    national interests. This is a disgrace to American values and
    democratic political system. In fact, the US Congress on behalf of the
    United States supported and cheered aggressor Armenia, thus inflicting
    a blow to the image of United States and the image of the UN.

    UN, in which the United States play a dominant role, has again
    completely discredited itself as an international arbiter, able to
    comply with the resolutions adopted in the Security Council and the
    General Assembly. Once it became clear that the UN is turning into
    useless and inefficient organization which immediately fulfills
    resolutions only of the superpowers, for example in terms of
    deployment of troops in Afghanistan and Iraq', said M. Gurbanly.

    'Considering this, Turkey and Azerbaijan will express their protest to
    the US Congress and urge US leaders to take an objective position on
    the events of a hundred years ago in the Ottoman Empire. Also, Turkey
    and Azerbaijan on the level of the Organization of Islamic Conference
    and other international organizations will encourage to support us and
    direct appeals to US congressmen to express their position on the
    Khojaly genocide committed by Armenians in the eyes of the
    international community 18 years ago', said the deputy chairman of the
    New Azerbaijan Party.

    'Obama's administration is playing a double game, since 18 of 23
    congressmen who voted for the resolution on `genocide' of Armenians
    are members of the ruling Democratic Party of the United States.
    Nevertheless, President Obama understands the possible damage to the
    US politics, and I think resolution number 252 will not go beyond the
    House of Representatives. I would like to repeat that the adoption of
    the resolution on "genocide" of Armenians in the political game with
    Turkey is the "golden" bullet for the United States, which can be used
    only once', Mubariz Gurbanly concluded.


    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress