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BAKU: Congress decision to create problems in US-Turkey relations

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  • BAKU: Congress decision to create problems in US-Turkey relations, Azerbaijan
    March 5 2010

    Congress decision to create problems in US-Turkey relations - Azerbaijani MP
    Fri 05 March 2010 | 12:55 GMT Text size:

    Jamil Hasanli News.Az interviews Jamil Hasanli, MP and famous historian.

    How do you assess the decision of the Committee on Foreign Relations
    of the US Congress that approved the draft resolution on the fictional
    `Armenian genocide', as a historian?

    First of all, if the `genocide' was real, why didn't the US lawmakers
    recognize it before? The 20's, 30's and 40's were closer in terms of
    the time to `genocide' recognized by the Armenian side. In those years
    it would have been possible to define the absence or existence of such
    `genocide' more realistically. In the 20s, the US Presidential
    Administration, the Congress and the Senate of this country were more

    US President Hoover (Herbert Hoover) led the US administration in
    1929-1933) led the program of rendering assistance to Armenia earlier,
    in the 19-20s. At that time he wrote letters to senators with a
    request to render assistance to Armenia. In this case, why wasn't the
    issue of `genocide' discussed in the Congress or the US Senate? As is
    known, the UN adopted the resolution of genocide, why then didn't the
    United State recall the `Armenian genocide' of 1915 after adoption of
    this document. Years have passed and now it is used as a political
    mean and a political pressure against Turkey. In his time, Premier
    Francesco Mitte wrote in his book `Europe's Resurrection' that the
    western countries use Armenian trump when they feel the need to put
    pressure on Turkey.

    Several deputies in the Azerbaijani parliament spoke of the need to
    send a group of deputies to Washington to persuade the US lawmakers of
    the harm of the said document to interstate relations during the
    recent discussion of raising the issue of the mythical `Armenian
    genocide' on the agenda of the US Congress. Do you think the visit of
    the deputies could influence the decision of the congressmen?

    Certainly, we should be by Turkey's side in this issue. This issue
    refers not only to Turkey. This is also Azerbaijan's problem. By
    adopting the resolution of fictional `Armenian genocide', the United
    States are justifying the current crimes of Armenians, granting them
    the status of the humiliated and abused nations thus setting back the
    occupation of Azerbaijani lands by Armenians, driving Azerbaijani
    citizens away from their native lands. In other words, if historically
    the mythical `refers' to Turkey, in the modern sense it refers to

    Which steps do you think Azerbaijan should take when the draft
    resolution of `Armenian genocide' is already adopted by the Committee
    and submitted for consideration in the Congress?

    Certainly, in this issue Azerbaijan should take steps conjointly with
    Turkey. Turkey and Azerbaijan should join efforts to disclose the
    essence of the so-called `Armenian genocide'. Ankara and Baku must
    remind to Washington that the adoption of the fictional `Armenian
    genocide' by the Congress will create definite problems in the
    relations of the United States with Turkey and Azerbaijan.

    Which definite implications will the possible adoption of the
    resolution on recognition of `Armenian genocide' in the Congress have
    for the US-Azerbaijani relations?

    Nothing will change if the US Congress recognizes the fictional
    `Armenian genocide'. By this recognition Turkey will turn into the
    object of moral condemnation. On the other hand, I consider that the
    recognition of the mythical `Armenian genocide' by the US Congress is
    also connected with Azerbaijan. It means that such a decision of the
    Congress connected with Turkey also refers to the policy held by
    Washington on Azerbaijan. I would like to note once again that in case
    the Congress recognizes the mythical `Armenian genocide', it would
    mean moral support to the occupation of Azerbaijani lands by

    The Azerbaijani parliament has already voiced recommendations that as
    an adequate step in case of recognition of the mythical `Armenian
    genocide' in the US Congress, the Turkish parliament should recognize
    the `Khojaly genocide'. Will this step of the Turkish parliament by
    proportional to the recognition of `1915 genocide' in the US Congress?

    I do not consider it right that the Grand National Assembly of Turkey
    must recognize the Khojaly genocide in a response to recognition of
    fictional `Armenian genocide' in the US Congress. Such issues should
    be approached clearly: either there was a genocide or it has never
    existed. Khojaly genocide is a tragedy that does not need proofs. It
    means that the Khojaly genocide occurred in everyone's eyes and this
    tragedy is fixed in video materials. The rejection of this tragedy is
    impossible. In other words, it is incorrect to bind the recognition of
    the Khojaly genocide with the adoption of the fictional `Armenian
    genocide' by any country. Turkey must take this step and recognize
    the Khojaly genocide regardless of whether the US Congress will
    recognize the `Armenian genocide'.

    Will the decision of the Congress influence the normalization of
    relations between Turkey and Armenia?

    Naturally, the recognition of fictional `Armenian genocide' by the US
    Congress will have a negative influence on the normalization of the
    Turkish-Armenian relations. However, it should be noted that there
    have been many issues that condition the normalization of relations
    between Turkey and Armenia. Anyway, it is possible to say for sure
    that Armenia is not ready to normalize relations with Turkey. By
    taking such steps, the Armenian side aimed to check Turkey's nerves.

    How will this decision of the US Congress influence the Karabakh settlement?

    Certainly, the decision of the Congress will also have a negative
    impact on the negotiation process on the resolution of the Karabakh
    conflict. I think on the whole, Azerbaijan must set an alternative way
    of liberating its occupied lands. The activity of the OSCE Minsk Group
    on the Karabakh conflict settlement is harmful for Azerbaijan because
    it aims at adjusting Azerbaijan to existing status quo on Karabakh. In
    other words, this process is in Armenia's favor. Equation of the
    occupant and the victim of occupation is a political support to the
