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Turkey warns of broken US ties after Armenian 'genocide' decision

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  • Turkey warns of broken US ties after Armenian 'genocide' decision

    Deutsche Welle, Germany
    March 5 2010

    Turkey warns of broken US ties after Armenian 'genocide' decision

    GroÃ?ansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Turkish-Armenian
    relations have never fully recovered since the killingsTurkey has
    responded sharply to US lawmakers' decision to brand the killing of
    Armenians by Ottoman forces during World War I a 'genocide.' Ankara
    immediately recalled its US ambassador.

    Turkey's foreign minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, warned of a breakdown in
    ties with the US after a congressional committee approved a resolution
    that said the World War I killing of Armenians was genocide.

    Davutoglu said the Obama administration hadn't done enough to support
    efforts to block the Thursday vote, and minutes after the results were
    known, Turkey angrily and immediately withdrew its ambassador to the
    US, Namik Tan.

    Davutoglu - who had sent Turkish lawmakers to Washington to lobby US
    congressmen on the matter - called the issue a matter of "honor."

    On Thursday, the US Congress' Foreign Affairs committee passed the
    symbolic resolution to name the killing of Armenians in World War I by
    Ottoman forces "genocide." The vote passed by a slim margin - the
    result was 23 to 22 - despite strong opposition from Turkey and the
    White House.

    Now the stage is set for a full vote in the House of Representatives.

    "We condemn this resolution which accuses the Turkish nation of a
    crime it has not committed," the Turkish government said in a

    President Abdullah Gul added his protestations, saying the resolution
    had "no value in the eyes of the Turkish people" and warning it would
    deal a blow to fledgling efforts to end decades of hostility between
    Turkey and Armenia.

    "Turkey will not be responsible for the negative ramifications that
    this vote may have in every field," he warned.

    But Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian welcomed the vote and
    called it a boost for human rights.

    Bildunterschrift: Armenians believe the massacre was a deliberate
    campaign of genocide
    Pressure on Obama

    Armenians say up to 1.5 million of their kin were killed during World
    War I by their Ottoman rulers as the empire was falling apart, a claim
    supported by several other countries. Turkey claims that only 300,000
    to 500,000 Armenians and at least as many Turks died in what was a
    civil strife when Armenians rose up for independence and sided with
    invading Russian troops.

    The non-binding resolution from the Foreign Affairs Committee calls on
    President Barack Obama to ensure that US foreign policy reflects an
    understanding of the "genocide" and to label the mass killings as such
    in his annual statement on the issue.

    The US has traditionally condemned the killings, which occurred
    between 1915 and 1918, but refrained from calling them genocide, since
    it was anxious not to strain relations with Turkey, a NATO member and
    a key Muslim majority ally in the Middle East.

    US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had urged the committee not to
    press ahead with the vote for fear it might harm reconciliation moves
    between Armenia and Turkey and said she hoped the bid would progress
    no further.

    "We do not believe the full Congress will or should act on that
    resolution," Clinton told reporters.

    Bildunterschrift: GroÃ?ansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift:
    Obama sees Turkey as an important ally
    But the US Congress took a more combative view. In his opening remarks
    Thursday, Howard Berman, the Democratic chairman of the Foreign
    Affairs Committee, said "nothing justifies Turkey's turning a blind
    eye to the reality of the Armenian genocide.

    "At some point, every nation must come to terms with its own history.
    And that is all we ask of Turkey," he said, urging his fellow
    lawmakers to support the legislation. Ankara also recalled its envoy
    from Washington in 2007 when a congressional committee passed a
    similar text.

    Peace deal in jeopardy

    Turkey and Armenia signed accords last year to normalize ties after a
    century of bitter hostility rooted in the 1915 mass killing and
    deportation of Armenians. The accords have yet to go through either

    In his telephone call with Gul, Obama urged quick ratification of the
    accords, the White House said. "The Turkish people and all of us here
    are extremely upset," a Turkish member of parliament, Suat
    Kiniklioglu, told reporters in Washington after the vote, which took
    over two hours.

    "You will see in the coming days and week that the Turkish parliament
    and the Turkish government will take all necessary actions to make our
    displeasure known in no uncertain terms. No one can equate our
    grandfathers with Nazis."

    Editor: Rob Turner,,53222 48,00.html