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La Stampa: The massacre of Armenians was Genocide

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  • La Stampa: The massacre of Armenians was Genocide

    La Stampa: The massacre of Armenians was Genocide

    05.03.2010 21:20 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Democrats tripped up President Obama, by adopting
    the resolution , recognizing the Armenian Genocide during the First
    World War, Maurizio Molinari wrote in the La Stampa newspaper.

    Democrats voted for the resolution, a bipartisan coalition voted
    against. During the voting ambassadors of Ankara and Yerevan were at
    the hall of the House of Representatives, as well as delegations from
    the parliaments of Turkey and Armenia.

    The Turkish ambassador immediately after the procedure was recalled to
    Ankara for consultations, while the Prime Minister of Turkey Recep
    Tayyip Erdogan few minutes after the adoption of the resolution made a
    statement saying that the vote could harm Turkey-US relations, and
    also prevent efforts aimed at Armenian-Turkish reconciliation. U.S.
    Secretary of State, in turn, condemned the adoption of the resolution
    and expressed hope that the House of Representatives would not approve
    it, La Stampa wrote.