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BAKU: Azerbaijan may recall ambassador from US

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijan may recall ambassador from US, Azerbaijan
    March 5 2010

    Azerbaijan may recall ambassador from US
    Fri 05 March 2010 | 10:38 GMT Text size:

    Azerbaijani parliament The parliament deputy considers that Azerbaijan
    should recall its ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary from
    the United States.

    Azerbaijan should recall its ambassador in Washington in connection
    with the support of resolution on "Armenian genocide" in the Committee
    on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives, says deputy of the
    Milli Majlis of the pro-governmental Ana Vatan (Motherland) party
    Zahid Oruj.

    "History showed that the Azerbaijan has always taken the most correct
    and timely decision in an emotional state. I therefore consider it
    necessary to recall our ambassador to the United States with the
    wording "for consultations", said the deputy at the plenary session of
    the Milli Mejlis on Friday.

    According to him, the opinion that the Committee on Foreign Affairs
    House of Representatives adopted the draft resolution on "genocide"
    under the pressure of the Armenian lobby is a delusion.

    "There is a frank bargain. By using the document, the US side is
    putting pressure on Turkey to force it to open the border with Armenia
    and to disavow the prerequisite of the liberation of occupied
    Azerbaijani lands by Armenia. In turn, this will lead to the victory
    of the Armenian diplomacy", considers Z. Oruj.

    "The United States have failed to appoint its ambassador to Azerbaijan
    for already half a year. This fact does not prove friendly attitude of
    Washington to our country. The absence of the US ambassador has
    numerous subtexts, both political and pursuing the plans to impose
    pressure on our country.

    This is also connected with the fact that the United States is working
    in direction of the opening of the Armenian-Turkish borders", added MP
    Gudrat Hasanquliyev.
