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Killing of Armenians in WW-I a `genocide': US house panel

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  • Killing of Armenians in WW-I a `genocide': US house panel

    Calcutta Tube, India
    March 5 2010

    Killing of Armenians in WW-I a `genocide': US house panel

    Posted by Ankan Basu in Americas

    Washington, March 5 (DPA) A US congressional committee Thursday passed
    a resolution declaring that the World War I-era slayings of more than
    1 million Armenians by the Ottomans was a genocide, a move opposed by
    the White House and sure to anger Turkey.

    The Foreign Affairs Committee approved the resolution with a narrow
    23-22 vote, but it remained questionable whether it will be taken to
    the floor for a full vote in the House of Representatives.

    As in the past, Turkey warned that the resolution could harm relations
    between Washington and Ankara, a key NATO ally in the region, and has
    not ruled out recalling its ambassador ` as it did in 2007 when the
    same committee approved a similar measure.

    Armenian Americans have been lobbying hard to pressure President
    Barack Obama to follow through on a campaign promise by applying the
    term genocide to the massacre. But he has yet to do so, saying only
    that there should be a `full, frank and just acknowledgment of the

    Obama's administration has opposed the House resolution, saying it
    could disrupt ongoing reconciliation talks between Turkey and Armenia,
    which are strongly backed by the US.

    `We've pressed hard to see the progress that we've seen to date, and
    we certainly do not want to see that jeopardised,' US State Department
    spokesman PJ Crowley said Thursday.

    Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton telephoned the Democratic
    chairman of the committee, Howard Berman, to state the
    administration's opposition to the resolution, Crowley said. Obama
    called Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan Wednesday.

    Turkey is vital to US interest in the region. The US uses bases in
    Turkey to support military operations in Iraq, and Ankara has been
    playing a mediating role in Middle East peace. Washington also needs
    Turkey's backing for tough measures on Iran over its nuclear

    Then president George W Bush successfully pressured the House in 2007
    to not bring that resolution to a vote. Turkey had already removed its
    ambassador and threatened a further deterioration of relations if the
    measure reached final passage.

    Ankara warned Thursday that this could again damage relations and had
    already sent representatives to Washington to lobby against the

    `Turkish-US relations are experiencing their most successful period in
    history,' Erdogan said earlier this week. `I hope that they will not
    be damaged by such initiatives.'

    Armenians contend that 1.5 million of their own were systematically
    killed by the Ottoman Turks in 1915. Turkey maintains the death toll
    was much lower and resulted from violent upheaval, not an effort to
    eliminate the Armenian population.

    US lawmakers with a large number of ethnic Armenians in their
    districts, particularly in California, are among the biggest backers
    of the genocide resolution.

    The speaker of the House, Obama ally Nancy Pelosi, has not said
    whether she will bring the resolution up for a full vote. s-in-ww-i-a-genocide-us-house-panel/68251/

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress