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Primate's Lenten Message - The Hour of Decision

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  • Primate's Lenten Message - The Hour of Decision

    Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of America
    3325 North Glenoaks Blvd.
    Burbank, Ca 91504
    Tel: 818-558-7474
    Fax: 818-558-6333

    Western Diocese e-Newsletter

    Dear Reader

    The fourth Sunday of the Lenten Journey offers us the special time to
    evaluate the course of our life. According to our church tradition, we
    are offered the parable of the unjust steward, which mirrors in its
    broader scope, our relationship with God. Often, we fail in our
    responsibilities to live a life with God, and in applying the messages
    of Christ, our Lord, in our everyday life. However, we are challenged
    to set a new beginning as we make the firm decision to change the
    course of our life. We are all stewards in the vineyard of the
    Almighty and are entrusted by God to bring the good tidings to the
    world. And we all tend to go astray as we cease to be the messenger of
    God's Word. However, as we are called with a rebuke and warned to be
    stripped of our privilege, we then ought to acknowledge that the hour
    of decision is at hand to evaluate the course of our life.

    For a Christian, change has a unique significance. It connotes to our
    connectedness to the Creator and our return to God. Christianity is
    all about living the word of God and becoming the "salt" and the
    "light" in the life of the world. Surrendering into the hands of God,
    partnering with God, Confessing to God and praying for forgiveness are
    all courageous acts of faith. Furthermore, they require from us the
    firm commitment: the hour of decision. God calls on us all to be His
    Servants. This honor and the privilege from bestowed upon us by God
    leads us to spiritual transformation.

    "Make your life a mission - not an intermission". Arnold Glasgow

    March 7, 2010

    Archbishop Hovnan Derderian


    The Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America, providing
    spiritual guidance and leadership to the Armenian Apostolic community,
    is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit, tax-exempt organization comprised of more
    than 50 churches in 16 western states. It was established in 1898 as
    the Diocese of the Armenian Church encompassing the entire United
    States and Canada. In 1927 the Western Diocese was formed to
    exclusivly serve the western United States.