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Armenian Genocide Vote Threatens US-Turkish Ties at Key Moment

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  • Armenian Genocide Vote Threatens US-Turkish Ties at Key Moment

    March 6 2010

    Armenian Genocide Vote Threatens US-Turkish Ties at Key Moment

    by Jim Lobe, March 06, 2010

    Thursday's vote by a Congressional committee condemning the deaths of
    up to 1.5 million Armenians during World War I as "genocide" is almost
    certain to complicate U.S. ties with Turkey, a long-time strategic
    ally and increasingly influential player in the Middle East and
    central and southwest Asia.
    The 23-22 vote by the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of
    Representatives prompted the immediate recall of Turkey's ambassador
    here and an announcement by Ankara that ratification of a pending
    U.S.-backed treaty with Armenia will be frozen.

    And the government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, which sent several senior
    Turkish lawmakers and hired a high-priced public relations firm, as
    well as a former House speaker, to lobby against the resolution, is
    likely to take much stronger measures if it reaches the House floor
    later this year, according to both U.S. and Turkish analysts.

    "We are seriously concerned that the adoption of this draft resolution
    ¦will harm Turkey-U.S. relations and impede the efforts for the
    normalization of Turkey-Armenia relations," the Turkish embassy said
    in a release after the vote.

    "This decision, which could adversely affect our cooperation on a wide
    common agenda with the United States, also regrettably attests to a
    lack of strategic vision," it added.

    After maintaining silence about the resolution for several weeks, the
    administration of President Barack Obama came out against it just
    hours before the vote ` apparently too late to affect the final
    outcome, according to a number of lawmakers.

    "We do not believe that the full Congress will or should vote on that
    resolution and we have made that clear to all the parties involved,"
    Clinton said during a press conference in San Jose, Costa Rica,
    Thursday morning in the administration's first official statement on
    the issue.

    The administration, which needs Turkey's support on a slew of key
    issues, ranging from Arab-Israeli peace to Iran and Afghanistan, is
    likely to lobby hard against any effort by lawmakers to bring the
    resolution to the floor, despite the fact that both Obama and Clinton
    promised to support some version of it during their 2008 presidential
    primary campaigns.

    At least half a million U.S. citizens, many of them concentrated in
    the electorally powerful state of California, claim Armenian ancestry.

    The Armenian-American community, which is among the wealthiest and
    best organized of the many U.S. ethnic minorities, has long sought
    recognition of the 1915 death toll as a genocide. In 1975 and again in
    1984, it succeeded in getting such resolutions passed by the House,
    although never in the Senate.

    In 2007, the Foreign Affairs committee approved a similar "genocide"
    resolution. However, it was never referred to the floor of the House
    due to intense opposition by the administration of President George W.
    Bush backed by the powerful "Israel Lobby," which has frequently
    intervened in Congress on behalf since the late 1980s when Ankara and
    Israel began building a strategic alliance.

    But Israeli-Turkish ties have become increasingly strained in recent
    years, particularly since Israel's "Cast Lead" military campaign in
    Gaza, which Erdogan strongly denounced in a heated exchange with
    Israeli President Shimon Peres at the World Economic Forum in late
    January last year, just days after the offensive had ended.

    A number of subsequent incidents, most recently the apparently
    deliberate televised humiliation in January by Israel's deputy foreign
    minister of Ankara's ambassador in Tel Aviv, have added to the

    Indeed, some analysts here and in Turkey suggested that the
    resolution's passage was due as much to the Israel Lobby's failure to
    oppose it, as to the Obama administration's delay in coming out
    against it. Several key lawmakers who are considered close to the
    Lobby, notably Gary Ackerman, Brad Sherman, and committee chair Howard
    Berman, spoke in favor of its approval.

    "In the past, the pro-Israel community has lobbied hard against
    previous attempts to pass similar resolutions, citing warnings from
    Turkish officials that it could harm the alliance not only with the
    United States but with Israel¦," noted the Jewish Telegraphic Agency
    (JTA) Friday.

    "In the last year or so, however, officials of American pro-Israel
    groups have said that while they will not support new resolutions,
    they will no longer oppose them, citing Turkey's heightened rhetorical
    attacks on Israel and a flourishing of outright anti-Semitism the
    government has done little to stem," it asserted.

    The resolution, which was introduced by a California Democrat, calls
    on the president to use the annual presidential statement on the 1915
    mass deaths next month to "accurately characterize the systematic and
    deliberate annihilation of 1,500,000 Armenians as genocide."

    Turkey has argued that the Armenian deaths were a great tragedy played
    out under the chaotic conditions of World War I when the collapsing
    Ottoman Empire was under attack on many fronts, including internally
    in the form of a Russian-backed Armenian insurgency.

    Unlike most of its predecessors, the Erdogan government has indicated
    a willingness to review the events of that time, possibly even in
    cooperation with Armenia with which it agreed only last September to
    establish diplomatic relations and re-open borders that have been
    closed since 1993.

    It was hoped that that agreement, which was mediated by Switzerland
    with strong backing from Washington, would be quickly ratified by both
    countries and lead to the resolution of the territorial dispute
    between Armenia and oil-rich Azerbaijan over the Armenian enclave of
    Nagorno Karabakh.

    Despite U.S. urging ` most recently in a conversation between Obama
    and Turkish President Abdullah Gul Wednesday ` Erdogan has insisted
    that implementation of the treaty is dependent on progress in
    resolving the territorial dispute. Ankara's decision to freeze the
    ratification process in the wake of Thursday's committee vote here
    could deal a lethal blow to the treaty's prospects.

    In the four years since the committee last voted out a genocide
    resolution, Turkey's strategic importance to Washington has
    significantly increased.

    In addition to having the largest army among the European members of
    NATO and having recently increased its troop contribution to U.S.-led
    forces in Afghanistan, Turkey continues to permit the U.S. access to
    key military bases on its territory, provides critical supply routes
    to Iraq, and acts as an increasingly important transit route `
    bypassing both Russia and Iran ` for Caspian and Central Asian oil and

    Ankara's influence and involvement in the Arab world, particularly in
    Iraq and Syria, have grown sharply in recent years, and its friendly
    ties with Iran have positioned itself as a potential mediator between
    Tehran and the West.

    Turkey has thus far resisted U.S. pressure to host a radar base that
    would be part of larger regional defense network designed to intercept
    Iranian missiles and to vote for stronger economic sanctions against
    Tehran on the U.N. Security Council, of which it is a member.

    Some sectors, particularly those most closely associated with Israel
    here, have become increasingly concerned about Turkey's growing
    orientation toward the Muslim world under Erdogan, who heads the
    Islamist Justice and Development Party (AKP), in both its foreign and
    domestic policies.

    Indeed, neoconservatives, whose views often reflect those of Israel's
    Likud Party, have been attacking Erdogan and the AKP with growing
    fervor in recent months, accusing them of a systematic effort to
    weaken Turkey's traditionally secular institutions, notably the
    once-dominant armed forces.

    In a column coincidentally published Friday by the neoconservative
    Wall Street Journal, Soner Cagaptay, a Turkish-born specialist at the
    Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP), accused Erdogan of
    transforming Turkey into a "police state."

    At the same time, hard-line neo-conservatives, such as the Jewish
    Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) and the Journal's
    editorial board, opposed the genocide resolution precisely because of
    fears that it will serve only to further poison bilateral relations
    with a country whose geo-strategic importance to Washington and its
    Israeli ally is simply too great. 5/armenian-genocide-vote-threatens-us-turkish-ties -at-key-moment/

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress