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BAKU: Azerbaijan supports Turkey and calls on Congress to demands

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijan supports Turkey and calls on Congress to demands, Azerbaijan
    March 6 2010

    Azerbaijan supports Turkey and we call on the Congress to reject
    illusory demand
    Sat 06 March 2010 | 13:15 GMT Text size:

    Elnur Aslanov, head of the political analysis and information
    department at Azerbaijan's presidential administration.

    Chief of department of political analysis and information under
    Azerbaijan's presidential administration has commented to journalists
    on adoption of the resolution on the so-called `Armenian genocide' in
    the US Congressional Committee on Foreign Relations.

    `The adoption of decision on the so-called `Armenian genocide' in the
    Committee on Foreign Relations of the US Congress is a vivid
    demonstration of `double standards'. First, the difference of one vote
    after the recalculation is embarrassing. Secondly, the guardians of
    democracy and human rights in the face of US lawmakers come out with
    tendentious positions by raising the issues that have not been proven
    by any historical facts. Discussion of issues related to the events
    that occurred more than 95 years ago in the US lawmaking body does not
    promote peace and stability in the South Caucasus region.

    Moreover, the legislators who are so actively seeking to establish the
    truth must have known that the Armenian side committed the genocide in
    Khojaly on 26 February 1992 which can be compared to the worst
    examples of killing people. If truth is important for congressmen, why
    does the Committee on Foreign Relations not raise the issue of Khojaly
    or demand punishment of the responsible persons?

    Or why is the US Congress silent on the genocide of Azerbaijanis in
    March 1918 by Armenian gangs in Baku, Guba, Lankaran, Salyan and
    Shamakhy? Why does the US Congress accept for truth the "assurances"
    of the party that declared Amazasp, Andronicus, and Nzhdeh Droz the
    national heroes despite their hands are in the blood of thousands of
    innocent people? Why did the Committee on Foreign Relations turn a
    blind eye to the fact that the rights of more than one million
    Azerbaijanis have been violated by Armenia for already 22 years? The
    question is whether the activity of some congressmen serves the
    interest of the whole US public or just personal mercantile interests.
    All this calls into question the sincerity of the US intentions to
    stabilize the situation in the South Caucasus.

    Azerbaijan and Turkey are not only geostrategic allies but also the
    states linked with history, language and religion. Azerbaijan supports
    Turkey and we call the Congress to reject the illusory demands of

    Elnur AslanovEach step of this kind is a blow to the US ideals of
    democracy. How can a superpower striving to export democratic values
    and ideas blindly protect the interests of a handful of Armenian
    Diaspora organizations and their lobbyists in the legislative body of
    the United States? Such actions are contradictory to the spirit and
    logics of the US intention to establish peace and stability in
    different parts of the world.

    Why does Mr. Howard Berman, head of the Committee on Foreign
    Relations, ignore the proposal of the Turkish side made to Armenia
    regarding joint study of the historical facts while saying that he has
    already been for 27 years in the Congress and raising the issue of

    However, the Armenian diaspora and the Armenian leadership raised in
    the spirit of hatred to anything related to Turks and Azerbaijanis
    reject the rational and constructive view on the historical realities.
    The trump of `genocide' has become a kind of a bargaining chip in the
    hands of those who are trying to put pressure on Turkey. Adoption of
    the resolution on `genocide' of Armenians in the US Committee was a
    historical mistake. The people of Turkey remember that the Great
    Powers deliberately encouraged the Armenians in Turkey to betrayal of
    the country of their residence in 1915. And now they want to use the
    "Armenian trump" in their ambitious interests. But it won't work. The
    world has changed. Those who create instability in the South Caucasus
    will lose. We should hope that common sense would prevail in the US

    Today, the picture of what the Armenian leadership is trying to do by
    delaying the negotiation process around the Armenian-Azerbaijani
    conflict seems clearer to us.

    Azerbaijan and Turkey are not only geostrategic allies but also the
    states linked with history, language and religion. Azerbaijan supports
    Turkey and we call the Congress to reject the illusory demands of

    In conditions when the economic situation in Armenia is worsening, the
    political situation contradicts to norms of democracy and journalists,
    deputies and other public figures are held in prison, the US Congress
    along with the Armenian lobby should rather discuss the issues
    connected with the reason of such a situation and give a just
    assessment to this. Meanwhile, the Armenian diaspora should realize
    that by financing the adoption of the resolutions which refer to the
    past and have no real grounds, they do not take into account the
    future of Armenia. Baseless resolutions cannot raise the economy that
    collapsed in period of crisis or create conditions for regional
    cooperation. Instead, they will further worsen the poor state of
    Armenia. In other words, people cannot be fed with resolutions.

    Third, Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian who actively refers
    to human rights and issues of prevention of crimes against humanity
    should be reminded that it were Armenian band formations that
    committed genocide of peaceful Azerbaijanis in 1905, 1918, 1992.
    Armenian extremists supported by the Armenian leadership killed tens
    of Turkish and Azerbaijani political and public figures. Therefore,
    before speaking of human rights and crimes against humanity, Armenian
    officials should first look into the history of their state¦'
