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The Armenian Genocide: A Case Of Selective Memory

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  • The Armenian Genocide: A Case Of Selective Memory

    Dmitry Babich

    RIA Novosti
    15:44 09/03/2010

    A resolution on the Armenian genocide in the Ottoman Empire, passed
    by the U.S. House Committee on Foreign Relations, has raised a real
    storm in international diplomacy.

    Feverish diplomatic activity and apparent hesitations of the
    U.S. administration are a clear sign that Turkey's foreign policy
    influence has grown.

    The committee's resolution is non-binding and it is not clear if it
    will be placed before the whole house, but Turkey has already recalled
    its ambassador to Ankara for consultations, while U.S. Secretary of
    State Hillary Clinton, according to The New York Times, has asked
    the Congress not to take up this delicate matter now.

    When, in 1915, 1.5 million Armenians "disappeared" as a result of the
    action undertaken by the Young Turks' government, Turkey and Armenia
    froze all contacts with each other. It was only last year that signs
    of thawing first became manifest, and in the fall of 2009 the sides
    agreed to establish diplomatic relations. This was viewed as a success
    for the Turkish leadership, both the prime minister and the president.

    Will now a final "thaw" be postponed again?

    That is not likely, although Turkish politicians are certain to take
    advantage of the situation to improve their standing.

    It is very likely that the current scandal will only boost the prestige
    of Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Not so long ago,
    he was the first politician in Turkish history to challenge the
    military, saying he uncovered a military plot initially scheduled
    for 2003. Before that, Erdogan made out a successful case for the
    Palestinians as Muslim brothers, harshly criticizing Israel for
    its Gaza Strip operation. During the U.S. Iraqi campaign, Turkey
    never allowed American troops to pass through its territory, forcing
    Washington to invade Iraq only from the south.

    Now the ambiguous position the U.S. has maintained for years on the
    Armenian genocide, which helped Washington to draw Turkey into NATO,
    is beginning to backfire against U.S. interests. This is a good
    lesson for all, and it is not limited to the events of 1915. There
    are other examples. The Western mass media are still keeping silent
    about anti-Armenian violence in Baku in 1989-1990. Most reports
    mention only that Soviet troops were introduced into the city.

    The reason for such selective memory in American and West European
    media is understandable: it is simple to place the blame on Moscow,
    forgetting all about previous events. At that moment, the troops
    sent by Moscow saved the lives of thousands of Armenians and other
    "Russian speakers" in Baku. Even many Russian media find the subject
    of the violence in Baku unpopular and almost forbidden. Some say this
    could lose Russia advertising contracts and lead to conflicts with
    influential people.

    "I do not know what has to be done to get the mass media throughout
    the world to highlight those events," says political analyst Andronik
    Migranyan, a member of Russia's Public Chamber. "Will Armenia itself
    have to carry out PR campaigns to make things change?"

    The point is that the events of 1915 and those of the 1980s in Armenia
    and Azerbaijan do not concern only Armenians; they concern everyone.

    The anti-Armenian violence in Baku came after an inhumane expulsion
    of Azerbaijanians from Nagorny Karabakh, followed by the Khodzhala
    tragedy that shocked the world. People must remember everything,
    because destruction of human life cannot be forgotten or remembered
    selectively. Otherwise, diplomatic embarrassments like the present
    U.S.-Turkish spat may become regular.

    The opinions expressed in this article are the author's and do not
    necessarily represent those of RIA Novosti.