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Genocide All Around

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  • Genocide All Around

    by: Mike Sweet

    The Hawk Eye (Burlington, Iowa)
    Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune Business News
    March 7, 2010 Sunday

    Mar. 7--One of the world's true monsters was back on stage last week.

    Radovan Karadzic, the Bosnian Serb political leader who waged
    a genocidal war on Bosnia's Muslims and Croatians in the 1990s,
    denied he did anything wrong as his trial resumed before the U.N.'s
    International Criminal Tribunal in Holland. The trial has been on
    hiatus for months to let the former psychiatrist, who possesses the
    conceit to be his own lawyer, prepare his own defense.

    Karadzic told the court the 1992-95 breakup of Yugoslavia into six
    countries was a "just and holy" war for the Orthodox Christian Serbs
    determined to create a Serbian empire. He blamed Muslims for starting
    the war. But it was the Serbs who wouldn't let go of the past and
    accept a future in which they were not dictators or mass murderers.

    Neither of Karadzic's assertions is true. Truth is putty to evil
    men like him, his still-at-large co-conspirator Gen. Ratko Mladic,
    and their mentor in the genocide business, Serbian President Slobodan
    Milosevic. Milosevic died in a U.N. prison before his trial ended.

    Decent people everywhere believe justice will be served when Karadzic
    and Mladic follow Milosevic's example.

    Mladic unfortunately is still free under the protection of powerful
    Serbs who do not find it contemptible to butcher unarmed people.

    Karadzic was arrested only two years ago. He had been on the run 14
    years, living the good life, protected by Serb officials and ordinary
    people whose broken moral compass points to him as a national hero,
    not a mass murderer.

    Karadzic faces 11 charges, including two counts of genocide. One of
    the latter charges stems from ordering the 44-month siege of Sarajevo
    starting in 1992. Some 12,000 people, mostly civilians, were killed
    by Serb snipers and artillery firing from the mountains surrounding
    the beautiful city that had hosted the 1984 winter Olympics. The world
    that watched the games in peace a decade earlier spent 44 months doing
    nothing to intervene as the daily slaughter was broadcast on TV news.

    So there is blame to share for the many left to die.

    It took a second, horrific act of genocide for the world to stop the
    killing. That charge stems from Karadzic and Mladic ordering the murder
    of 8,000 unarmed Muslim men and boys near the city of Srebrenica in
    July of 1995. Serb police and soldiers bused their trussed victims to
    mine shafts, wells and open graves, shot them and tossed them in. Not
    since self-righteous Nazis and Russians went at it had Europe seen
    mass murder on that scale.

    Karadzic denies the slaughter occurred and said his prosecution is
    based on "false myths and false victims." Secure in his twisted
    delusions, he said it would be "easy for me to prove that I had
    nothing to do with it."

    >>From their graves, the rotted corpses of his victims call Karadzic
    a liar. Justice dictates the court does the same.

    The other case of genocide making headlines involves Turkey's fury
    at a U.S. Congressional committee's narrow approval of a non-binding
    resolution declaring Turkey, a modern U.S. ally, committed genocide
    when 1.5 million Armenians died back in 1915.

    Armenian-Americans long have been after Congress to pass such a
    denouncement. Another committee did so once before in 2007, but the
    entire House has never weighed in, perhaps because it isn't Congress'

    The Turkish government is furious at the vote. It vehemently denies
    its long dead leaders committed genocide, though historical evidence
    and the magnitude of the death toll suggests otherwise.

    The pertinent question is why Congress is sticking its nose into a
    90-year-old dispute with lingering repercussions? Especially after
    Armenia and Turkey agreed last fall to resolve their differences.

    It's one thing to intervene in an ongoing genocide, where lives can
    be saved. It's another to weigh in on a bitter century-old feud that
    angers a modern ally, changes nothing from the distant past, but can
    send a better future off the rails.

    Ponder this: What would the reaction be if Turkey's government
    declared that the European-American treatment of Indians in the Western
    hemisphere, including the U.S., was genocide? Like the Armenian affair,
    it was genocide.

    As it is with Turkey's non-Armenian population, denial is hard to
    cast off.

    In one country after another, from North to South America, many people
    who aren't of Indian descent still refuse to accept their immigrant
    ancestors' culpability in the deaths of millions of Native Americans.

    They don't want to be reminded of it, especially by a bunch of
    sanctimonious politicians who have their guilty failings to deal with.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress