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CNN: Turkey Still Frosty With U.S. Over Armenian Genocide Move

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  • CNN: Turkey Still Frosty With U.S. Over Armenian Genocide Move


    CNN International rope/03/09/
    March 9 2010

    (CNN) -- Turkey will not send its U.S. ambassador back to Washington
    until it receives "clarity" on a measure that recommends the United
    States recognize the 1915 killings of ethnic Armenians as genocide,
    Turkey's prime minister said Tuesday.

    "As long as we don't see clarity in the situation about the Armenian
    bill, we won't send our ambassador (back)," Recep Tayyip Erdogan said
    at a lunch with journalists in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

    The ambassador was recalled last week to protest the House Foreign
    Affairs Committee's passage of the measure on a 23-22 vote Thursday.

    The nearly century-old issue has placed both Congress and the White
    House in the middle of a political minefield. The Obama administration
    had urged the committee not to pass the resolution, warning it could
    damage U.S.-Turkish relations and jeopardize efforts to normalize
    relations between Turkey and its neighbor, Armenia. The two do not
    share formal diplomatic relations.

    Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told reporters Friday that "the
    Obama administration strongly opposes the resolution that was passed
    by only one vote in the House committee, and we'll work very hard to
    make sure it does not go to the House floor."

    Following the vote, Erdogan condemned the measure in a statement on
    his Web site, saying it "accuses the Turkish nation of a crime it
    has not committed. The people who support this bill have adopted a
    wrong and unfair attitude, ignoring the differences of opinion of
    expert historians and historical facts. The bill has been prepared
    with tangible historical mistakes regarding the 1915 incidents and
    with a completely subjective attitude."

    However, Armenia's foreign minister has expressed appreciation for
    the vote.

    Turkey officially denies a genocide took place in the last days of
    the crumbling Ottoman Empire, saying that Muslim Turks and Christians
    massacred each other on the killing fields of World War I.

    Historians have extensively documented the Ottoman military's forced
    death-march of hundreds of thousands of ethnic Armenians into the
    Syrian desert in 1915. Every April 24, Armenians worldwide observe a
    remembrance day for those killed. The deaths decimated the Armenian
    population in what is now eastern Turkey.

    The government in the Armenian capital of Yerevan and influential
    Armenian diaspora groups have been urging countries around the world
    to formally label the 1915 events as genocide.