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TelAviv: Neighbors / Who's In Favor Of Turkey?

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  • TelAviv: Neighbors / Who's In Favor Of Turkey?

    By Zvi Bar'el

    Ha'aretz es/1155365.html
    March 10 2010

    The shock waves generated when the U.S. House Committee on Foreign
    Affairs passed a bill defining the 1915 massacre of the Armenians as
    genocide did not stop at Turkey's shores. There have also been many
    ripples in the corridors of the Jewish lobby in Washington.

    M.J. Rosenberg, a senior fellow at the Media Matters Action Network -
    whose aim, among other things, is "correcting misinformation ... and
    combating wrongheaded assessments of conservative" groups relating
    to the Middle East - published an analysis of the resolution late
    last week. Rosenberg, who once edited the weekly information bulletin
    published by the pro-Israel lobby, AIPAC, and later "crossed the lines"
    to direct the Israel Policy Forum's policy department, wrote that
    the Israelis are trying to teach Turkey a lesson. If the resolution
    passes both houses of Congress and goes into effect, he wrote,
    "it will not be out of some newfound compassion for the victims of
    the Armenian genocide and their descendants but to send a message
    to Turkey: if you mess with Israel, its lobby will make Turkey pay a
    price in Washington. And, just maybe, the United States will pay it
    too." Advertisement

    Rosenberg based his analysis on an article written by Ron Kampeas, the
    Washington bureau chief of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Kampeas noted
    that "in the past, the pro-Israel community has lobbied hard against
    previous attempts to pass similar resolutions, citing warnings from
    Turkish officials that it could harm the alliance not only with the
    United States but with Israel." But for the last year or so, he added,
    "officials of American pro-Israel groups have said that while they will
    not support new resolutions, they will no longer oppose them, citing
    Turkey's heightened rhetorical attacks on Israel and a flourishing
    of outright anti-Semitism the government has done little to stem."

    Kampeas immediately responded to Rosenberg. In an article published
    on JTA's web site, he said he agreed that the pro-Israel community is
    "hanging back and telling the lawmakers, 'Do what you feel is right.

    We're not spending political capital on the Turks this season.'" But,
    he stressed, he rejects the contention that Israel or the Jewish lobby
    was behind the resolution. Back in 2007, when a similar resolution
    came before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, he noted, seven of the
    eight Jewish committee members also voted in favor: Only Robert Wexler
    of Florida voted against, because he was "a friend of the Turkish
    lobby." In other words, the Jews have always sought to define the
    Armenian massacre as a genocide.

    So what changed this time around? In 2007, the committee's chairman,
    the late Tom Lantos, wrestled with the question before eventually
    voting in favor; this time, the chairman, Howard Berman, co-sponsored
    the bill. Wexler is no longer a congressman, and the other seven
    Jews on the panel all voted in favor of the resolution. Yet in fact,
    Kampeas noted, the bill secured a larger majority in the committee
    in 2007 - with 27 in favor and 21 opposed - than it did this time:
    Last week's resolution passed by a very narrow majority of 23-22.

    Why does all this matter? Because the bottom line is that the Jewish
    congressmen also voted in favor in 2007, "when pro-Israel groups
    lobbied very, very hard against the resolution. That they felt freer
    to vote in favor yesterday is significant, but the bigger picture
    underscores that they are not the lobby's pawns."

    So who was the winner in this vote? Did the pro-Israel lobby
    successfully avenge Israel, or did Jewish members of Congress vote
    as they did out of moral considerations rather than political ones?

    For Turkey, these Jewish calculations are of no interest, nor is the
    balance of power between the Jewish lobby and Jewish congressmen. Suat
    Kiniklioglu, chairman of the Turkish parliament's committee on
    Israeli-Turkish relations, said in response to the resolution that
    "though it seems that neither the American government nor the Jewish
    lobby supported the Turkish position, the result was still a Turkish
    victory. The Armenians thought they would be able to achieve an easier
    and greater victory." In his eyes, and in those of the other Turkish
    members of parliament from the ruling Justice and Development Party,
    there is no doubt that Israel was behind the resolution, and that this
    is the price it is exacting for the past year's attacks on Israel by
    Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

    Is this also the end of the honeymoon between Turkey and AIPAC and
    other Jewish organizations that have previously promoted Turkish
    interests? "Not necessarily," said a former Turkish diplomat. "Turkey
    has plenty of other interests with which the Jewish lobbies could
    assist it - for example, military purchasing."

    An illness in need of treatment

    The Turkish minister for women and family affairs, Selma Aliye Kavaf,
    has a clear stance: "I believe that homosexuality is a biological
    defect, an illness. Homosexuality is something that needs treatment,
    and therefore I don't have a positive attitude to homosexual
    marriages," she said.

    Kavaf, whom Erdogan appointed to direct his party's activities for
    women even before he made her a minister, is a symbol of the party's
    openness toward women and its desire to advance them to senior
    positions. But it seems that advancing women is not necessarily
    synonymous with advancing liberalism.

    A few days before she made her medical diagnosis, the minister also
    made it clear that she opposed love scenes that included kissing
    being screened in Turkish television soap operas. "In Europe and
    America, series like these are broadcast under supervision," she
    said. "They are coded, and anyone who wants to see them has to buy
    them separately. Scenes such as these are perhaps not important for
    the morals of people aged 45 or 50, but they can have a different
    impact on 4- to 10-year-olds."

    So what does the minister like watching on TV? "I watch the 'Valley
    of the Wolves' series," she responded - the very series that sparked
    so much friction between Ankara and Jerusalem because of the way it
    depicts Israeli soldiers.