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Embassy Magazine: Azerbaijan Continues Looking For Scapegoats In Kho

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  • Embassy Magazine: Azerbaijan Continues Looking For Scapegoats In Kho


    10.03.2010 13:26 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Embassy Magazine famous Canadian newspaper published
    an article titled, "Azerbaijan Continues Looking for Scapegoats in
    the Khojalu Fiasco".

    "Karabakh, heart of Armenia, was inexplicably snatched from Armenia
    in a sinister stroke of the pen by Joseph Stalin and placed under the
    jurisdiction of Soviet Azerbaijan as an "autonomous province": a game
    of political expediency by the newly established Soviet authorities
    in the early 1920s to gain favours from the newly emerging Turkey
    and extend Soviet inference among its Turkic neighbours.

    Karabakh, which was 90% Armenian-populated, never ceased complaining
    to the Central authorities in Moscow and expressing dissatisfaction
    over Azeri treatment, and continued lobbying for realization of its
    aspirations to be part of the motherland, Armenia.

    Hundreds of thousands Armenians demonstrated in 1988 urging the
    Kremlin for action and the return of Karabakh to its rightful owner,
    Armenia. In response, the slaughter of Armenians was unleashed in
    Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, and continued for a week before
    Soviet troops were brought in to end the violence. Baku was emptied
    of its 250.000 Armenians, an industrious and loyal minority. Similar
    massacres of cleansing were organized in the Azeri cities of Sumgait
    and Kirovabad and later in the Shahumian district of Karabakh. As the
    Soviet Union disintegrated, fighting erupted all over Karabakh. It
    was a superhuman struggle of life and death for Armenians again in
    the belief that force cannot constitute the basis of rights.

    As the fighting continued, the Azeris started creating myths in order
    to rationalize their defeat. The most sordid of these fictitious
    scenarios was one about Khojalu.

    Eighteen years have passed since the alleged February 26 Khojalu
    massacres. Today, Baku tries to use those events to conceal the
    pogroms that took place in Sumgait during February 1988 and other
    cities thereafter," the article stated.

    The Sumgait pogroms (also known as the Sumgait Massacre or February
    Events) was an Azeri-led pogroms of the Armenian population of
    Azerbaijani Sumgait from 26 to 29 February 1988. On February 27, 1988,
    large mobs made up of Azeris formed into groups that went on to attack
    and killed Armenians both on the streets and in their apartments.

    Sumgait pogroms lasted three days and were accompanied by widespread
    violence, looting and murder. Sumgait events signaled the beginning of
    another unprecedented wave of anti-Armenian persecutions and violence
    in Azerbaijan, a new genocide. The victims of this of anti-Armenian
    persecutions and violence were Armenians of Kirovabad, Kazakhs,
    Khanlar, Dashkesan, Mingechaur, Baku and other towns and villages
    of Azerbaijan. This has led to floods of refugees from Azerbaijan in
    Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia.