15:34 ~U 10.03.10
Every minute a mother-to-be from somewhere around the world dies
because they don't have access to the vital healthcare they need
before and during childbirth.
Focusing on the condition of women in 125 countries, research conducted
by the US-based global humanitarian organization Save the Children has
revealed that pregnant women in the developing world face the same risk
of dying during childbirth today as women in the UK did 100 years ago.
According to a report released by the organization, among the top ten
countries with the lowest number of maternal deaths as a result of
pregnancy or childbirth are (in consecutive order) Sweden, Denmark,
Finland, Norway, Austria, Germany, Australia, Canada and Netherlands.
Great Britain and the US share the 10th place.
Armenia occupies the 37th place in the list.
Among the former Soviet Union countries included in the list are
Belarus (at 16th place), Ukraine (21), and Moldova (24). Russia
and Uzbekistan shared the 27th place followed by Kazakhstan (32)
and Turkmenistan (44). Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan share 52nd place
with Tajikistan at 69th.
Along with Amnesty International, Oxfam, Mumsnet and White Ribbon
Alliance, Save the Children is calling for "a greater global commitment
to the protection of basic rights for mothers and children."
15:34 ~U 10.03.10
Every minute a mother-to-be from somewhere around the world dies
because they don't have access to the vital healthcare they need
before and during childbirth.
Focusing on the condition of women in 125 countries, research conducted
by the US-based global humanitarian organization Save the Children has
revealed that pregnant women in the developing world face the same risk
of dying during childbirth today as women in the UK did 100 years ago.
According to a report released by the organization, among the top ten
countries with the lowest number of maternal deaths as a result of
pregnancy or childbirth are (in consecutive order) Sweden, Denmark,
Finland, Norway, Austria, Germany, Australia, Canada and Netherlands.
Great Britain and the US share the 10th place.
Armenia occupies the 37th place in the list.
Among the former Soviet Union countries included in the list are
Belarus (at 16th place), Ukraine (21), and Moldova (24). Russia
and Uzbekistan shared the 27th place followed by Kazakhstan (32)
and Turkmenistan (44). Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan share 52nd place
with Tajikistan at 69th.
Along with Amnesty International, Oxfam, Mumsnet and White Ribbon
Alliance, Save the Children is calling for "a greater global commitment
to the protection of basic rights for mothers and children."