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AAA: Assembly and Armenian Hyrenik Youth Org. of Utah Partner

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  • AAA: Assembly and Armenian Hyrenik Youth Org. of Utah Partner

    March 11, 2010
    Contact: Press Department
    Email: [email protected]
    Phone: (202) 393-3434


    Co-Host February College Dinner Event and Community Issues Briefing

    Salt Lake City, UT - The Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly), in
    partnership with the Armenian Hyrenik Youth Organization (AHYO) of
    Utah, organized a community forum and dinner for Utah Armenian
    community members during the weekend of February 20-21. Assembly
    Western Region Director Yeghig Keshishian delivered the keynote
    address at the Sunday, February 21st, AHYO dinner held at the
    University of Utah to celebrate the organization's one-year
    anniversary. Keshishian stressed the importance of being actively
    involved in organizations, such as AHYO and the Assembly. As the
    leading Armenian young professional organization in Utah, AHYO is
    instrumental in galvanizing community support on Armenian issues and
    in raising awareness of the Armenian Genocide, both within the
    academic setting at the University of Utah and also with a variety of
    partner organizations throughout the Salt Lake area.

    Keshishian also joined forces with AHYO to discuss ways to broaden the
    Armenian community's reach in Utah by working closely with elected
    officials, the local media and in consortium with existing advocacy
    organizations sympathetic to Armenian issues to broaden the
    community's reach. Part of AHYO's mission as an organization is to
    promote awareness of contemporary Armenian issues. Following
    Keshishian's presentation on political advocacy and its relevance
    vis-à-vis AHYO's work in Utah, audience members asked questions on how
    they could become involved.

    "I would like to thank the AHYO Board of Directors for their
    invaluable support and, especially, thank Assembly intern alumnus
    Natalie Torosyan for her time and commitment in spearheading the local
    efforts prior to my visit," stated Keshishian.

    On the evening of the 20th, the Assembly held a Community Issues
    Briefing at Whitmore Library to specifically address the current
    situation of the Protocols and the Armenian Genocide resolution. After
    the formal presentation portion, audience members posed a number of
    questions relating to the Armenia-Turkey Protocols and the
    counterproductive statements made by Turkish officials.

    "We have benefitted from the Armenian Assembly's support since AHYO's
    inception, and it was a pleasure to jointly host a series of events.
    We're grateful that our members and the Armenian community in Utah
    were afforded such a well-presented educational experience on critical
    Armenian issues," stated Torosyan.

    Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of America is the largest
    Washington-based nationwide organization promoting public
    understanding and awareness of Armenian issues. The Assembly is a
    501(c)(3) tax-exempt membership organization.


    NR# 2010-19

    Photo Caption L-R: Raffi Shahinian, Karine Sargsian, Ani Megerdichian,
    Yeghig Keshishian, Natalie Torosyan, Zaven Sargsian and Greg Parsegov