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A Supporters Disappointment With Obama

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  • A Supporters Disappointment With Obama

    By: Nick Milano

    The Massachusetts Daily Collegian upporters-disappointment-with-obama/
    March 10 2010

    As a Barack Obama supporter from the day I saw him light up a town hall
    in New Hampshire, his presidency has been hard to take. At times,
    he has shown glimpses of the promise that helped sweep him into
    office, but more often than not, his policies have been incredibly
    disappointing, especially for the young electorate which came out to
    support his campaign. He has obviously mishandled health care reform,
    and by ceding power over it to Congress, it is doubtful that it will
    even pass. He has mishandled the economy and Wall Street.

    In our bathroom at our house we have an issue of Mother Jones from
    the time of his election whose headline reads: "Why the mess Obama
    inherits may be his greatest opportunity." Well, there has been no
    economic regulation - how about that for squandering opportunities?

    Over the last week or so, two more missteps by his administration
    should further alienate his supporters, especially college students.

    First, the House Foreign Affairs Committee voted by a one vote margin
    to pass a bill that declares the murder of millions of Armenians during
    World War I a genocide. Now, strictly relying upon Obama's campaign
    speeches and campaign promises one would expect the administration
    to be strongly backing the resolution. Time and time again on the
    campaign trail, Obama said that he would characterize the incident
    as genocide. Genocide is an issue which motivates younger voters,
    and Obama's outspokenness on Sudan and on Turkey were surely two of
    the reasons he attracted young voters.

    But like so many times before, Obama has chosen to ignore the voters
    and side with what many consider the smart international relations
    choice. As Turkey is an important ally whose air bases are used
    to move soldiers and supplies into Iraq, upsetting the Turks would
    not be a great idea. Thus, the administration as well as the State
    Department under Hillary Clinton immediately moved to block the vote
    from reaching the House floor. Another promise broken.

    His second misstep over the last week cannot be directly tied to his
    administration, but a State Department spokesperson was curiously
    forced to retract attacks it made against Libyan leader Muammar
    al-Qaddafi. After Qaddafi's son's arrest in Switzerland for assault,
    Qaddafi made several mystifying and scary declarations, according
    to Foreign Policy magazine. First, he expelled Swiss diplomats from
    Libya, then he proposed to the UN General Assembly that Switzerland
    be abolished as a country, and third called any Muslim who worked with
    Switzerland an apostate, de facto declaring a jihad against the Swiss.

    While it may be smart not to engage dictators who seem to have gone
    off the deep end, a spokesman for the State Department obviously
    criticized Qaddafi for his actions and statements. But the next day,
    he apologized and took his statements back in the name of thawing
    Libyan and American relations. The appeasement inclinations of this
    president have started to get a little too common. In a sense, Obama
    is keeping his campaign promises of starting a new conversation with
    the Muslim world, but these are times where such decisions have to
    be fully thought out. Dictators should not be allowed to make such
    disgusting statements, no matter how crazy they seem to be. The
    Obama administration is choosing kind words even at the hands of
    absolute madness.

    The foreign policy decisions that go into deciding whether to attack
    a senseless dictator or whether to call a genocide by its real name
    surely have more to do than simply answering to an electorate.

    Regarding Turkey, there are still thousands and thousands of soldiers
    in Iraq, so it might not be the best time to alienate a crucial ally.

    President Bush is guilty of the same decision-making. He said while
    campaigning that he would declare the Armenian killings genocide,
    but did nothing.

    In order for genocides to be recognized and prevented in the future,
    even today in Sudan, the world must acknowledge when they have
    happened in the past. Turkey's mass murder of Armenians should not
    go unpunished. In regards to Qaddafi, sometimes it is best not to
    engage silly declarations like the ones he is guilty of making, but
    that does not mean criticism of him should be retracted. According
    to Foreign Policy, a new major poll shows Obama is losing ground
    among voters on national security. On the one hand, the president
    seems dedicated to adhering to his campaign promise of engaging the
    Muslim world - let us not get started on Iran, but on the other hand,
    he has abandoned the young voters who flocked to his campaign because
    of his willingness to clamp down on genocide. In both situations,
    Obama continues to disappoint.