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Surrogate Maternity: One Gets Happiness The Other Big Money

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  • Surrogate Maternity: One Gets Happiness The Other Big Money


    March 11 2010

    This year Lilit has entered school for the first time. Her parents,
    Rita and Mayis Gasparyans notice that their daughter brought happiness
    to their family.

    The couple was unable to bring children for years. 7 years ago seeing
    that all the measures were in vain decided to find a woman who will
    brig a children for them, they told.

    That's how Lilit was born. 7 years ago the idea of surrogate mother was
    not developed in our republic yet. Chief Obstetrician-Gynecologist
    of the RA Ministry of Healthcare, Professor Razmik Abrahamyan
    mentioned that the artificial impregnation is used since 2003 by
    the law that acts since July of that year, and it is available for
    all the population. Today together with the artificial impregnation
    also the institute of surrogate maternity develops. The impregnated
    ovigerm taken from the couple is put into another woman's, surrogate
    mother's womb.

    There are several medical institutions that realize this kind of
    impregnation. There are also few experts that officially take care
    of the legal side of deal.

    The doctors mention that till now our society does not completely
    accept the idea of surrogate maternity. Many people prefer finding
    surrogate mothers abroad, and not to let the relatives know about it.

    "It is possible to use your own physiological abilities in favor
    of another family. The surrogate mother too should be ready for it
    psychologically and morally. She understands that she doesn't give the
    child her ovigerm, she is just the environment where the impregnated
    embryo develops", expert Davit Mkhitaryan informs.

    They confess that here it is difficult to find surrogate mothers who
    conscious is enough developed to understand that aside of getting
    money she is also giving happiness to another family.

    If in Ukraine and Russia they get 50 - 70 thousand US dollars for
    the deal, in US they get 100 - 110 thousand, and in Armenia 20 -
    30 thousand dollars for 9 months.

    The expert-doctor says that the surrogate mother as a rule becomes
    a family friend, in some cases the relations of the family and the
    surrogate mother end just in a second after the child is born.

    Even though the child is called to be the basis for the family, the
    Armenian Apostolic Church treats the artificial impregnation with
    stipulations and denies the idea of the surrogate mother.

    Thus, the church says that the "surrogate maternity" is not
    acceptable as the surrogate mother at the end becomes the mother
    of that child, for she is carries that child. On the other hand it
    is very important who the parents are. Only in special cases is the
    artificial impregnation accepted by the church, after the examination
    of the Bishop, when the real reason of the barrenness is found out. The
    Bible says that the aim of the marriage, after all, is not bringing
    children, but is the life lived together.

    The doctor who is involved in an organization that is busy with the
    issues of surrogate maternity contradicts saying that it's not just if
    one family has many children while the other one has none. Besides that
    the doctor recalled the statistics which prove that the prostitutes
    are healthier than the women of Armenian families as the prostitutes
    attend to doctors more frequently, while the family woman doesn't
    even remember when for the last time she attended a gynecologist.

    And who are the surrogate mothers? It is very important for her not
    to be a prostitute. She should be 18 - 35 years old, should have at
    least one child given birth by herself.

    If the in Europe the surrogate mother lives in a better conditions
    in her own house, the surrogate mother in Armenia needs special
    conditions. The couples that want to become parents by the help of
    the surrogate mothers give her a separate home in another region for
    9 months, they pay her 100 000 AMD monthly and provide her with a food
    full of vitamins, they provide her also with comfortable conditions of
    transportation, they hire a taxi or a driver for her as the surrogate
    mother is not allowed to use buses or mini buses.

    After all said above we get sure for one more time that the law in our
    country is written not for the ordinary citizens, as, hardly a family
    that lives by the day's bread can allow himself to bring children
    through surrogate mothers. Nevertheless our country is not Holland,
    where the surrogate maternity is realized on beneficiary bases.

    We have to hope only that the level of barrenness will not be too high,
    even though the information published by the Ministry of Healthcare
    proves something else.

    If the reproductive generation consisting of 70 thousand gives
    45 thousand generation, we can imagine what kind of depression of
    birthrate will be in our country after a few years.

    However there is another law as well, the selling of the ovigerm,
    for which the women get 500 up to 1500 US dollars. And the woman in
    a year can sell around 4 ovigerms.