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A New Generation of Church Leaders Develop Skills, Build Confidence

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  • A New Generation of Church Leaders Develop Skills, Build Confidence

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Contact: Chris Zakian
    Tel: (212) 686-0710; Fax: (212) 779-3558
    E-mail: [email protected]

    March 11, 2010


    The Eastern Diocese saw the bright future of the Armenian Church in the
    faces of participants at the 11th annual ACYOA National Young Adult
    Leadership Conference, which met in Tarrytown, N.Y., from March 5 to 7,

    The two-day conference attracted close to 100 people, including 67 young
    participants from 32 parishes in the Eastern Diocese, led by clergy,
    Diocesan Council members, ACYOA Central Council members, and seminarians.

    Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church
    of America (Eastern), presided over the conference, which gave participants
    an opportunity to hone their leadership skills and to network with ACYOA
    members from parishes throughout the Eastern Diocese.

    "I trust you to lead our church," Archbishop Barsamian told the delegates in
    opening remarks Friday evening. "I have faith in your vision, in your
    commitment, in your spiritual strength, in your feelings of respect and
    reverence for our Armenian Christian heritage." He added that the large
    turnout from throughout the Eastern Diocese "testifies to the great
    potential for leadership we have in the young adults of our church."

    The Primate thanked everyone for their passion for leading the Armenian
    Church into the future, and stressed that the church needs the leadership of
    its youth.

    "You are the kind of leaders I want future generations-your own children and
    grandchildren-to look up to, for guidance, and inspiration. You are the
    kinds of men and women I want the world to think of, when they hear the
    word, 'Armenian.'"

    He remarked that organizing the conference had itself been a good model of
    leadership in action. "Working alongside our excellent ACYOA Central
    Council members-listening to their creative ideas, suggestions, concerns and
    criticisms; and working also with Fr. Yeprem Kelegian and Fr. Vasken
    Kouzouian, with Oscar Tatosian and Nancy Basmajian-all of this has been very
    rewarding for me, personally."

    Archbishop Barsamian also expressed gratitude to Aso Davitian, Dr. Sarkis
    Kechejian, Nazar Nazarian, Charles Simonian, and Harry Toufayan, whose
    generosity made the leadership conference possible.

    * New Level of Commitment

    A dynamic, motivating talk about the need for leadership was delivered by
    guest speaker Dr. Marvin Zonis, from the University of Chicago's Booth
    School of Business. In an animated Q-and-A session, he engaged participants
    on the question of whether leaders are made or born, and outlined ways to be
    a better leader.

    "With the inspiring words from Dr. Zonis and the support of our Central
    Council liaisons, I saw a sense of responsibility and maturity emerge from
    the youth," said Taleen Terjanian, an ACYOA Seniors member from St. Stepanos
    Church in Elberon, NJ. She also appreciated the chance to "strengthen old
    friendships and form new ones."

    Conference sessions on the Bible, Models of Leadership, Leadership
    Potential, and Leadership in Action were held throughout Saturday. ACYOA
    members explored the decisive traits that made for good leaders, and
    discussed the qualities embodied in such diverse Armenian leaders as
    Catholicos St. Nersess the Great and philanthropist Alex Manoogian.

    Seminary dean Fr. Daniel Findikyan, and pastors Fr. Vasken Kouzouian and Fr.
    Yeprem Kelegian led break-out sessions and prayer services.

    "This leadership conference shows growth," said Fr. Kouzouian, a Diocesan
    Council member and pastor of the Holy Trinity Church of Cambridge, Mass.
    "There are a great number of parishes represented here, and it shows that
    the young adult programs at the Diocese are unified."

    St. Nersess seminarians Justin Ajamian, Levon Asdourian, Vahagn Azizian,
    Mkritch Ksachikyan, and Stan Sheridan helped facilitate throughout the
    conference, working alongside ACYOA Central Council members Alex Derderian,
    Danielle Der Assadourian, Talin Hitik, Ara Janigian, Lydia Kurkjian, Danny
    Mantis, and Gevork Vartanian.

    The conference concluded with a dinner and closing program on Sunday night,
    during which participants were encouraged to express their individual
    talents. Mher Saribekyan and Davo Gevorkian played the duduk and the dhol
    to thunderous applause. Arman Avedyan and Alyne Corrigan sang a lovely
    Armenian song. The Primate presented certificates and small gifts to each
    of the attendees.

    On Sunday the group attended badarak at the nearby St. Gregory the
    Enlightener Church in White Plains, N.Y.

    "I was very pleased with the outcome of the weekend and the spirit of
    group," said ACYOA executive secretary Nancy Basmajian. "I think
    participants felt affirmed and valued as young leaders. That's quite an
    accomplishment, and I was thrilled to be part of it."

    Participants who had attended leadership conferences in the past said they
    appreciated changes to the format this year.

    "This year the ACYOA Central Council and Srpazan took the leadership
    conference to a new level," said Arpi Paylan, from the St. James Church of
    Evanston, Ill. "I came away from the weekend inspired to redouble my
    commitment to parish life-not only because I felt motivated by the
    dedication and passion of my peers, but also because I left with a specific
    skill set and a renewed vision for my role in my church."

    For other attendees, the gathering was their first time at an ACYOA
    Leadership Conference, but probably not their last.

    "It was a wonderful learning experience that makes me want to come back next
    year," said Arese Soghomonian, a Leadership Conference first-timer from the
    St. Sahag and St. Mesrob Church of Wynnewood, Pa.

    Ara Janigian, a member of the ACYOA Central Council, from the Sts. Sahag and
    Mesrob Church of Providence, R.I., extolled "the level of commitment and
    passion our youth have within our Diocese. Once again, I left an ACYOA
    event feeling more confident about our future."

    He added: "It's vital for our church that we continue to get support and
    guidance from our elders."

    The same theme was struck by Diocesan Council chairman Oscar Tatosian.
    "There are leadership capabilities in each of us, and it's our obligation as
    Diocesan leaders to encourage, foster, and cultivate that potential. We
    need to give our young adults the tools to bring out the great leadership
    abilities within them."

    >From that perspective, Mr. Tatosian added, "This weekend was a tremendous




    Photo 1

    Young church leaders from across the Eastern Diocese met in Tarrytown, N.Y.
    for the 11th annual ACYOA National Young Adult Leadership Conference.

    Photo 2

    Diocesan Primate Abp. Khajag Barsamian presided over the Youth Leadership
    Conference, which ran March 5-7.

    Photo 3

    A breakout session on leadership qualities, at the ACYOA National Young
    Adult Leadership Conference.

    Photo 4

    Guest speaker Dr. Marvin Zonis, of the University of Chicago, delivered a
    dynamic, motivating talk about the need for leadership.

    Photo 5

    Leadership expert Dr. Marvin Zonis and Diocesan Council chairman Oscar

    Photo 6

    Fr. Vasken Kouzouian addresses the Diocese's Young Adult Leadership

    Photo 7

    Some 67 young leaders from parishes across the Eastern Diocese gathered to
    exchange ideas and build leadership skills.

    Photo 8

    Abp. Khajag Barsamian addresses the youth leaders attending the ACYOA
    National Young Adult Leadership Conference.

    # # #