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To Find Balance In Talks Is Extremely Important: Lennmarker

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  • To Find Balance In Talks Is Extremely Important: Lennmarker

    March 12 2010

    March 12, OSCE Special Representative on Nagorno-Karabakh and Georgia
    Goran Lennmarker gave an exclusive interview to correspondent.

    Q.: What is your opinion about the adoption of Armenian Genocide
    Resolution by Swedish Parliament?

    A.: The decision reflects, of course, the feeling about it. There
    is also a balance point there, because we want to see the process
    between Turkey and Armenia on this matter to go forward, because that
    is perhaps the most important part from the previous panel, important
    to this now that the Armenian-Turkish process goes further. So I very
    much hope that the relations between Turkey and Sweden will not be
    damaged because of this, so that they don't find an excuse not to go
    further with this process.

    Q.: Yesterday you stated that the format of Nagorno-Karabakh
    negotiations shouldn't be changed. Don't you think participation of
    Stepanakert or Nagorno-Karabakh will be more fruitful?

    A.: I think now we should keep the format, because if we stop for
    changing the format, then we talk about delaying the process, years,
    because if you try to, if that that should be included I can assure
    that there will demand from Azeri side to include representatives from
    their occupied territories and you will have negotiations about the
    negotiations and I don't know how long it will take. I am pessimistic
    that it will really stop.

    Q.: In your opinion, in which principle Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
    should be resolved -- territorial integrity or self-determination?

    A.: I think the balance is important and that is what the negotiation
    in a way is about -- to find the balance and make it acceptable for
    Azerbaijan and Armenia. That is the difficulty of it, to find that
    balance. I will say to support the negotiation process is extremely
    important now, that we support what is going on in Minsk Group. I
    will not try to tell how the Minsk Group get out of it and what will
    be the result, because that is for your President Serzh Sargsyan and
    for Azeri President to decide on.