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AGBU Europe Congratulates Swedish Parliament On Acknowledging Armeni

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  • AGBU Europe Congratulates Swedish Parliament On Acknowledging Armeni


    12.03.2010 20:40 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ AGBU Europe issued congratulatory address to the
    Parliament of Sweden for acknowledging the genocides committed against
    the Armenians, Assyrians/Chaldeans/Syriacs and Pontic Greeks during
    the First World War.

    The Parliament of Sweden adopted the resolution by a vote of 131 to
    130 on Thursday 11 March. In response, Turkey withdrew its Ambassador
    and cancelled Prime Minister Erdogan's scheduled visit.

    "Sweden often strives to reconcile effectiveness and ethics in
    its relations with the world. We applaud it for its principled and
    constructive stance on the Genocide. The truth will set us all free."

    said Nicolas Tavitian, of AGBU Europe.

    This vote comes on the heels of another vote, last Thursday (March 4),
    in the U.S. Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, which also acknowledged
    the Armenian Genocide. The resolution passed in spite of heavy pressure
    from Turkey; the Turkish government recalled their ambassador to the
    United States.

    Opponents to the resolution in the US most often justified their
    stance on the basis of Turkey's strategic importance to the United
    States. They also argue that Turkey may now refuse to open its border
    with Armenia.

    AGBU Europe believes it is a mistake on the part of European countries
    or of the U.S. to yield to the demands of a fellow NATO member,
    EU candidate country and self-declared friend to conceal the truth.

    Turkey signed two protocols with Armenia on October 10, 2009 that were
    intended to lead to the normalization of relations between the two
    countries after a 17-year blockade (1993-2010) of Armenia by Turkey.

    The country then reneged on its commitment and subjected ratification
    of the agreement to further conditions. The process is widely
    considered blocked in the Turkish Grand National Assembly. The
    recognition of the Genocide in Sweden and the United States is a
    useful signal to Turkey that it needs to radically rethink its policy
    towards the Republic of Armenia and towards Armenians generally and to
    urgently complete the normalization process, the statement concluded.