March 12, 2010
YEREVAN, March 12. /ARKA/. On Thursday Ashot Ghahramanyan, Armavir
Governor awarded Shevket Shaydullin, General Director of CJSC
"South-Caucasian Railway" with gold medal of Armavir region for
reconstruction of the station "Dalarik" and opening of electric
centralization module.
As a national transport company "South-Caucasian Railway" aims
at the improvement of transport services and modernization of its
infrastructure and rolling stock", said Shevket Shaydullin during
the opening.
Together with new technologies culture of production is also invested -
working places, other working conditions, reconstructed roads, modern
railway equipment which will provide reliable level of train movement.
General Director of CJSC "South-Caucasian Railway" awarded a number
of employees with certificates and money awards in monthly salary.
Concession management of "Armenian railway" is implemented by CJSC
"South Caucasian Railway" which is 100% affiliate of Open JSC "Russian
Railway". SCR accepted the railway stock of CJSC "Armenian railway"
on its balance from June 1, 2008 according to Concession Agreement
signed on February 13, 2008. The terms of concession management is
for 30 years with the right of prolongation for another 10 years.
March 12, 2010
YEREVAN, March 12. /ARKA/. On Thursday Ashot Ghahramanyan, Armavir
Governor awarded Shevket Shaydullin, General Director of CJSC
"South-Caucasian Railway" with gold medal of Armavir region for
reconstruction of the station "Dalarik" and opening of electric
centralization module.
As a national transport company "South-Caucasian Railway" aims
at the improvement of transport services and modernization of its
infrastructure and rolling stock", said Shevket Shaydullin during
the opening.
Together with new technologies culture of production is also invested -
working places, other working conditions, reconstructed roads, modern
railway equipment which will provide reliable level of train movement.
General Director of CJSC "South-Caucasian Railway" awarded a number
of employees with certificates and money awards in monthly salary.
Concession management of "Armenian railway" is implemented by CJSC
"South Caucasian Railway" which is 100% affiliate of Open JSC "Russian
Railway". SCR accepted the railway stock of CJSC "Armenian railway"
on its balance from June 1, 2008 according to Concession Agreement
signed on February 13, 2008. The terms of concession management is
for 30 years with the right of prolongation for another 10 years.